Risk of Bacterial Contamination of improved point water sources in Lira District

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Uganda Christian University


Introduction: Risk of Bacterial contamination of improved point water sources is major health risk in Lira District accounting for 60% of diarrheal diseases. In human being, diarrhea has been known to be caused by drinking of contaminated water. Lira District is reported at 95% safe water coverage while diarrheal diseases have remained high at 60%. Methods: This was a cross sectional study conducted utilizing quantitative method of data collection from total coliforms water quality test results of water samples collected in Lira District. The data was analyzed using STATA version 15. The data was analyzed using logistic regression to obtain the odd ratio. Results: The study indicated that 67% of the water sources tested were contaminated with Total coliforms. Deep Wells registered less contaminated water sources at 44%, while protected spring was highly contaminated at 89% followed by Shallow Wells at 72% and Rainwater harvesting tanks at 61%. Discussion: The results indicated few deep Wells and Rainwater Harvesting Tank was contaminated. The majority of the sampled Shallow Well and protected springs water sources were contaminated. Statistical Analysis showed that the safety of improved point water sources depended on the Water source type or technology, its operation and maintenance and its location in terms of proximity to the contamination source. The study concluded that the total coliforms count in water samples from different sources were associated with water source protection status and sanitation and hygiene practices. It therefore recommends for improved water source protection, and promotion of good sanitation, and hygiene practices.


