Corporate Governance and Performance of Selected Civil Society Organisations in Uganda

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Uganda Christian University


The study was about the relationship between corporate governance and performance of Civil Society Organisation in Kampala district. A case study of Kampala District. It was guided by three objectives i) To find out the relationship between board composition and performances of CSO in Kampala district, ii) To find out the relationship between Board Evaluations and performance of CSOs in Kampala district, iii) To find out the relationship between duality of CEO and performance of CSOs in Kampala district. The descriptive research design and a mixed research approach were adopted by the study to seek respondents’ opinions on the effects of corporate governance and Performance. The population of the study was 70 with a sample size which was derived using Kreijic Tables of 59 respondents. It is also shown the Adjusted R square of .194 which indicates that 19.4% of the variations that do arise in performance are because of variations in corporate governance. The null hypothesis was rejected as the assessment revealed that STF and SRHR Alliance Uganda corporate governance has a positive relationship with performance. In conclusion, the study notes that Board composition is critical to the success of CSOs. A board that is aligned with the goals and priorities of the organization, has a central strategy, and takes corrective action to ensure that the CSO remains on track, is more likely to perform well. In recommendation, the study suggests that CSOs should conduct a comprehensive review of the current board composition of CSOs in Kampala district. There is also need to consider the diversity of the board composition, including gender, age, ethnicity, professional background and expertise.


Masters dissertation.

