Microfinance Services and Financial Performance of Private Primary Schools in Industrial Division, Mbale City
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The study sought to examine the influence of micro-finance services on financial performance of Private Primary schools in Industrial Division, Mbale City. The study was guided by the following objectives: examining the influence of Micro-credit services on the financial performance of Private Primary schools, assessing the influence of savings on financial performance of Private Primary schools in Industrial Division, Mbale City and the effect of business trainings on Private Primary schools.
The study used descriptive research design and a case study was in Industrial Division, Mbale City. To achieve the set objectives the study used simple random sampling and purposive sampling during sample selection. A sample of respondents was used. The data was collected using questionnaire and interview guide and analyzed using statistical package for social sciences and interpreted in tables and figures.
The findings revealed that Micro-credit has led to an increase in capital, Micro-credit has improved the business liquidity position, and Micro-credit has led to an increase in profits. In addition, the study revealed that saving services has led to an increase in capital, savings services has improved the business liquidity position, and saving services has led to an increase in profits. Besides, the findings show that business training has led to an increase in capital, business training has improved the business liquidity position and business saving services has led to an increase in profits. Furthermore, the study indicated that government policies and regulations contribute to the financial performance of the private school, schools increase their productivity through getting funds from microfinance which leads to financial performance, other sources of incomes is one of the leading financial performance of schools and good management contribute to the increase of financial performance of School.