Human Resource Management Practices and Employee Performance at Soroti Regional Referral Hospital

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Uganda Christian University


The study examined the effect of human resources on employee performance in soroti regional referral hospital. The specific objectives included; to find out the influence of employee rewards on staff performance at Soroti regional referral hospital; establish the impact of employee training on staff performance at Soroti regional referral hospital and to find out the impact of employee selection and recruitment on staff performance at Soroti regional referral hospital. A descriptive cross sectional design was used in this study triangulating quantitative and qualitative approaches. Mixed methods of data collection analysis were used in this study. Results revealed the existence of a positive significant relationship between employee rewards and employee performance (R=.523; sig=.000); a positive significant relationship between employee training and employee performance (R=.614; sig=.000) and a positive relationship between employee selection and recruitment and employee performance (R=.583; sig=.000). The multiple regression results revealed that all the three independent variables positively influenced employee performance by 58.3%. The regression coefficient results indicated that employee training had the most effect in influencing employee training by 30.4% followed by employee selection and recruitment at 28.3% and lastly employee rewards at 14.8%. The study concluded that Soroti regional referral hospital embrace employee rewards such as financial rewards together with provision of satisfying work content rewards such as promotion, recognition, status symbols and praise for better employee performance. The study also concluded that Soroti regional referral hospital should put a lot of emphasis on employee training as this enhances interpersonal relations, decision making, networking skills, monitoring communication, discipline and conflict management which improve employee performance. And finally the study concluded that Soroti regional referral hospital should consider follow employee selection and recruitment based on merit. Generally the study recommends mainly the need to foster employee training is as a way to enhance employee performance.


Postgraduate Research

