Review of the Implication of Cash Transfer Policy on Girls' Education in Juba Payam, South Sudan

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Uganda Christian University


ABSTRACT The study reviewed the cash transfer policy to establish its implication for girls' Education in Juba Payam primary school. The study was to establish the current trends of girls' enrollment, Retention, and dropout in primary schools in Juba Payam: and to determine the contribution of the cash transfer policy to girls' enrollment, Retention, and dropout in primary schools in Juba Payam; and, to assess the effectiveness of cash transfer policy on girls' enrollment, retention, and dropout in schools in Juba Payam. The research adopted a descriptive study with a quantitative approach in which, out of fifty-five respondents, a sample of 50 was selected and questionnaires administered to them. The study concludes that in selected primary schools, the conditional cash transfer has led to improvement in girls' education, based on the four indicators of girls' education enrollment, Retention, attendance, and performance of girls in schools improved courtesy of the conditional cash transfer policy. The Policy has mainly been more effective on the welfare of girls, as the results in the current study have shown that the dependent cash transfer conditions are instrumental in ensuring the effectiveness of girls' education. However, the factors that have hindered its full effectiveness include parents' education level, household income levels, and occupation of parents or guardians. Overall, there is a strong interlinkage between the implementation of conditional cash transfer policy and girls' education, implying that the dependent cash transfer policy, since its rollout in 2013, has positively improved girls' education in areas of girls' school enrollment, and Retention, attendance, and performance. The study recommends the need for policy sensitization for parents to be increased so that the parents understand the requirements and the condition of the Policy to ensure more effectiveness. Secondly, there should be consideration of expanding the policy scope and coverages to cover boys because they are also vulnerable, just like girls. The boy children are equally experiencing similar school challenges, which the ministry needs to address by extending the funds to bits in schools. That is subject to whenever there are funds availability by DFID. Thirdly, the Policy should be reviewed to cover all girls' rights from primary 1 to universities to cover the previously left out groups to benefit from the impact of conditional cash transfer on service delivery. The current Policy covers upper primary and secondary education leaving out post-secondary and tertiary learning. The recommendation is that all girls' rights from primary 1 to senior four should be covered by the Policy.


Masters dissertation.

