The Role of Women in the Gospel According to Luke: Implications to the Role of Women in the Church Ministry Activities Today

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Uganda Christian University


Saving and empowering women is a central theme in the Gospel according to Luke. Jesus’ interactions with women, such as Mary, Martha and Mary Magdalene among others demonstrate his radical inclusivity and challenge societal norms. Women play key roles in Luke’s narrative, including; Receiving and responding to Jesus’ message (1:26-38,10:38-42), Supporting Jesus’ ministry financially (Luke 8:1-3), Participating in Jesus’ teachings and learning from him (Luke 10:38-42), Being part of Jesus’ inner circle and witnesses to his ministry (Luke 23:49,24:10-11) 1 Examining how women are portrayed in the Gospel according to Luke, defining how women function in church ministry, and evaluating how the church ministry activities of today relate to the position of women in the Gospel according to Luke were the goals of the research project. The researcher collected data using secondary method of data collection. Secondary data method on the other hand involved documentary analysis gathered from documents available in different Libraries, church articles, church magazines, church newsletters, church minutes and Bible commentaries. A conclusion drawn from the research findings was that women's roles in church ministry activities today have implications, including equitable involvement in leadership and decision-making, acknowledging women's abilities and talents in ministry, encouragement of women’s theological education and training, inclusive language and representation in worship and liturgy, addressing gender-based violence and promoting gender justice, producing and publishing Christian literature. By embracing these implications, the church can; reflect Jesus’ inclusivity and empowerment of women, tap into the gifts and talents of women in ministry, promote gender equality and justice and enhance its witness to the gospel in the world today.


Postgraduate Research

