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Item The Role of Chaplaincy Ministries in Transforming Students’ Morals. A Case of Church of Uganda Founded Secondary Schools in Luweero Diocese(Uganda Christian University, 2024-09-24) Ivan SsebulimeIn the past decades, a large number of educational institutions worldwide have tried to advance chaplaincy. The reviewed literature, shows that poor learning has taken over education systems in African nations, particularly Uganda. This undermines the real purpose of education, which is to address secular, religious, and ethical issues that are consistent with a worldview. This prevents an educational system from taking a more comprehensive and inclusive approach to generating well-rounded students. This study was based on Emile Durkheim's structural functionalism theory, shedding light on the factors that contribute to students’ moral transformation. Similarly, a pilot study was undertaken, and the results were used to create research instruments that were then used to collect field data. Similarly, a descriptive survey approach was employed to evaluate data both qualitatively and quantitatively. The data analyzed revealed that, to a greater extent, chaplaincy ministry plays an important role in changing students' morals in COU-founded secondary schools in the Luweero Diocese. In other schools which lack these ministries, many students were occasionally overwhelmed by situations that led to retribution and suicidal ideation, distorting their moral reasoning. This contributed to the systematic decline in social development of students. The survey also identified considerable hurdles that chaplains in schools face in their efforts to nurture students in their social and spiritual lives. First and foremost, many chaplains were males, as female students were excluded because they preferred a compatible gender. Additionally, there was a shortage of qualifications in chaplaincy ministry, leaving many chaplains unsure of what to do. Similarly, there were no policy rules for chaplaincy employment criteria because many clergy members also serve as chaplains. It was also revealed that there was no established entity at the Diocesan level empowered to supervise, guide, and address issues relating to chaplaincy. As a result, the researcher finds that chaplaincy acts are motivated by chaplains' personal assessment, religious beliefs, and traditions, which contradicts chaplaincy principles. As a result, the Diocese and education partners must work together to develop a shared chaplaincy curriculum that would enable chaplains to perform their duties in a more systematic way. Conclusively, the study's goal was contributing to the growing intellectual debate on chaplaincy around the world, particularly in Uganda and specifically to COU-founded secondary schools in the Luweero Diocese.Item An Evaluation of the Effectiveness of the Current Discipleship Strategies in West Buganda Diocese in Light of Mamo’s (2017) Model of Discipleship and Contextualization(Uganda Christian University, 2024-09-10) Moses MuwulyaThis study examines the effectiveness of the discipleship strategies currently used by the Church of Uganda in West Buganda Diocese, specifically in relation to newly born-again Christians. The research is based on Mamo's (2017) model of discipleship and contextualization, which emphasizes the importance of discipleship strategies being both biblically sound and contextually effective. The study was prompted by the growing nominalism and limited spiritual growth among Christians, leading to concerns about the effectiveness of current discipleship approaches amid rapidly changing social and religious cultures. The data was collected using a qualitative research methodology, which involved participant observation, interviews, and questionnaires. The study sample included clergy, lay readers, diocesan leaders, and born-again Christians from five parishes in Masaka Archdeaconry. The findings indicate that although discipleship strategies such as fellowship meetings, mentorship, Bible study, and prayer are in place, their implementation often lacks contextual relevance and intentionality. The research reveals that the hierarchical structure of the church, inadequate training of leaders in expository biblical teaching, and the prioritization of evangelism over discipleship undermine the effectiveness of these strategies. A key issue identified is the disconnection between the discipleship content and the socio-cultural realities of newly born-again Christians. Strategies such as devotional materials and mentorship are often not adapted to the local oral traditions and the communal nature of discipleship prevalent in Buganda culture. The study also found that many church leaders are not actively involved in discipleship due to a lack of personal spiritual maturity, further weakening the discipleship framework. To address these challenges, the research recommends a stronger focus on contextual biblical teaching and training, restructuring church leadership to facilitate discipleship, and establishing discipleship as a core cultural practice within the church. This study concludes that while discipleship is recognized as important, the current strategies fall short in fostering spiritual maturity among Christians in West Buganda Diocese. The research highlights the need for a more organized and contextually relevant approach to discipleship to ensure the spiritual growth of the newly born-again Christians and the church's resilience in the face of modern cultural challenges.Item An Assesment on the Benefits of Youth Inclusion in the Church Ministry: A Case Study of Lira Urban Archdeaconry, Lango Diocese(Uganda Christian University, 2024-09-13) Jimmy Francis OdongoThe study investigated the benefits of youth inclusion in the church ministry within Lira Urban archdeaconry, Diocese of Lango. This study was conducted under the following objectives; Examining the Christians’ view towards involving youth in church ministry in Lira urban Archdeaconry. Establishing the impact of involvement of youth in church growth and management and establishing the reasons for low participation of youth in general church ministry in the Lira Urban Archdeaconry. The descriptive and evaluative research design were employed during this research to study 100 out of 150 projected respondents, the sampling was done through random sampling. Both structured and semi structured questions were used to help the researcher to get answers and relevant information from respondents. The results of the study indicate that the youth, spiritual and lay leaders believe that the involvement of youth in general church programming is of benefit for church development. The study also shows that majority of the youth satisfied that they are being included in the church ministry though they have some areas lacking their involvement. The study revealed several reasons for low participation of youth in the church ministry and among reasons were low self esteem, ignorance, peer pressure and money minded pastors who scare unemployed youth away from church. The study concluded that much as there is moderate inclusion of the youth in church ministry, there are still gaps that need to be filled for better inclusion. Lastly the study recommended that the youth department from the Diocese down to sub-parishes be strengthened and youth friendly programs well regulated and guided be put in place so that youth are recruited and retained in church through mentorship, guidance and counseling and discipleship as guarantor for ministry sustainability and continuity.Item The Challenge of Clergy Welfare Among Anglican Priests in Reference to Kako Deanery West Buganda Diocese(Uganda Christian University, 2024-07-19) Anthony John KatambaThe study investigated the Challenge of Clergy Welfare among Anglican priests in reference to Kako Deanery West Buganda Diocese. The study considered Kako Deanery as the geographical area of study basing on the easy accessibility and being a deanery with some challenges regarding clergy welfare. The objectives of the study were; to analyse the general clergy welfare, to investigate the causes of poor clergy welfare, to establish how the problem of poor clergy welfare can be reduced. The study investigated the gaps in the clergy welfare among Anglican priests. Specifically, the study focused on four aspects of welfare; salary, accommodation, transport and medical care. The study was conducted through a qualitative case study research design on the basis that it sought to define how and or why an experience (miserable clergy) took place. The study was based on a sample size of 38 ministers including clergy and lay readers from Kako deanery. The researcher conducted interviews with the respondents. Data was also collected using a structured well-designed questionnaire pretested before, which was self-administered to the respondents. Observation was done to collect data from some of the observable Deanery operations and structures. The findings revealed that, First, clergy welfare in Kako deanery is wanting. Secondly, the major cause of poor clergy welfare in the deanery is inadequate remuneration (low pay/stipend). Thirdly, all solutions aimed at improving clergy welfare in Kako deanery should focus on increasing the incomes of the parishes. The study concludes that the general clergy welfare in Kako deanery leaves a lot to be desired and therefore worth improving before it gets worse.Item Examining the Impact of the African Traditional Practices on Death on the Anglican Church, South Rwenzori Diocese(Uganda Christian University, 2024-08-20) Zerubaberi BwambaleThis study explored the influence of African traditional death practices on the Anglican Church in South Rwenzori Diocese, Uganda, focusing on why these customs persist despite widespread Christian conversion. The research aimed to evaluate the implications of these practices on the church's theological teachings and Gospel communication. The study contextualizes the rapid growth of Christianity in Africa, noting that this expansion has not always led to deep spiritual transformation. It argues that the unexamined blending of the Gospel with African traditions, particularly around death, creates syncretism, diluting the Christian message and altering core faith tenets. Using both quantitative and qualitative methods, data was collected from 90 Anglican respondents through pre-tested questionnaires and interviews. The findings indicated that many Anglicans in the region continue to observe traditional death-related practices such as widow inheritance, ritual head shaving, and beliefs in ancestral retribution. These practices persist due to deeply ingrained cultural beliefs and fears, even among Christians. The study revealed that these practices challenge the church's efforts to teach a biblical understanding of death and the afterlife, leading to theological confusion. The blending of traditional and Christian beliefs has also perpetuated practices like polygamy and ancestor veneration, which conflict with biblical teachings. To address these issues, the study recommended the Anglican Church implement more rigorous discipleship programs that promote a biblical worldview, contextualize the Gospel to confront traditional practices, and facilitate open discussions with congregants about the conflicts between these practices and Christian teachings. The study concluded that addressing the mixture of the Gospel and African traditional practices is essential for ensuring that Christianity's growth in the region is not just numerical but also transformative in the lives of believers. The findings provide a framework for the Anglican Church to better communicate the Gospel and challenge cultural practices that contradict the Christian faith.Item Spiritual Luke-Warmness: An Exegetical Paper on Revelation 3:14–22(Uganda Christian University, 2024-08-23) Robinah KunihiraThis study is an exegetical work on Revelation 3:14-, delving into how best it is applicable in the contemporary church. Due to growing cases of lukewarm character in the contemporary church, the study sought to apply Revelation 3:14-22 to the situation among Christians with an aim of drawing practical solutions to enhance godliness. It was guided by these research questions; What is the message of Revelation 3:14-22: What are drivers of spiritual Luke-warmness in the contemporary church; What lessons can we draw from Rev 3:14-22 to bring home godliness. The specific objective was to draw guiding Christian values from Revelation 3:14-22 by ascertaining the nature and drivers of Luke-warmness in the church, and finally apply the message of Revelations 3:14-22 to address spiritual Luke-warmness in the contemporary church. Commentary method was employed proceeding verse by verse, presenting exegetical observations as they relate to the text since this was library-based research. Additionally, the research used contextual analysis, to demonstrate the manifestation of spiritual Luke warmness in the church today. The Major study findings are: (1) The Lord Jesus is the originator of God’s creation: (2) Omniscience nature of the Lord Jesus Christ: (3) Sin as a barrier between God and humanity: (4) Complacency and misuse of God given resources: (5) Material possession is not necessarily a sign of God’s blessing: (6) There is wealth whose source is not Godly: (7) Jesus Christ fills the spiritual bankruptcy and covers nakedness: (8) Jesus’ relentless desire for every one’s freedom in eternity. The study concludes by noting that the church as an institution and individual Christians should: (1) Enhance obedience to God; (2) Fight the Lukewarm character; (3) Teach against prosperity gospel; (4) Openly condemn evil; (5) Provide good counsel / Institute Christian education; (6) Church Leaders should be exemplary; (7) exercise Love, forgiveness and reconciliation.Item The Role of Women in the Gospel According to Luke: Implications to the Role of Women in the Church Ministry Activities Today(Uganda Christian University, 2024-08-28) Allen Orishaba RwamwehareSaving and empowering women is a central theme in the Gospel according to Luke. Jesus’ interactions with women, such as Mary, Martha and Mary Magdalene among others demonstrate his radical inclusivity and challenge societal norms. Women play key roles in Luke’s narrative, including; Receiving and responding to Jesus’ message (1:26-38,10:38-42), Supporting Jesus’ ministry financially (Luke 8:1-3), Participating in Jesus’ teachings and learning from him (Luke 10:38-42), Being part of Jesus’ inner circle and witnesses to his ministry (Luke 23:49,24:10-11) 1 Examining how women are portrayed in the Gospel according to Luke, defining how women function in church ministry, and evaluating how the church ministry activities of today relate to the position of women in the Gospel according to Luke were the goals of the research project. The researcher collected data using secondary method of data collection. Secondary data method on the other hand involved documentary analysis gathered from documents available in different Libraries, church articles, church magazines, church newsletters, church minutes and Bible commentaries. A conclusion drawn from the research findings was that women's roles in church ministry activities today have implications, including equitable involvement in leadership and decision-making, acknowledging women's abilities and talents in ministry, encouragement of women’s theological education and training, inclusive language and representation in worship and liturgy, addressing gender-based violence and promoting gender justice, producing and publishing Christian literature. By embracing these implications, the church can; reflect Jesus’ inclusivity and empowerment of women, tap into the gifts and talents of women in ministry, promote gender equality and justice and enhance its witness to the gospel in the world today.Item An Evaluation of the Effectiveness of the Retirement Health Policy in Soroti Diocese in the Province of the Church of Uganda(Uganda Christian University, 2024-08-30) Simon Peter OmaidoThis study aimed at comprehensively evaluating the effectiveness and ineffectiveness of the Retirement Health Policy in the Province of Church of Uganda, Soroti Diocese. The study was guided by the following objectives: analyzing the existing retirement health policies and benefits offered within Soroti Diocese, examining the effectiveness of the existing retirement health policies in meeting the healthcare needs of the retired clergy and lay personnel, identifying the specific barriers hindering the effectiveness of the retirement health policies and recommending evidence-based improvements for enhancing the effectiveness of the retirement health policy in Soroti Diocese. The study was conducted using a case study research design where qualitative research approach was used. Data was collected using documentary review checklists and interviews with the Retired Clergy in Soroti Diocese and the top management of Soroti Diocese totaling to 25 who were selected using purposive sampling method. Furthermore, data was analyzed qualitatively using thematic review. The study findings revealed significant gaps in the retirement health policy in Soroti Diocese, particularly in specialized and comprehensive care. Both retirees and top management highlighted the need for expanded benefits, clearer communication, and a more frequent and structured review process. Key challenges include inadequate coverage, bureaucratic delays, geographic limitations, policy complexity, and affordability issues. To address these, recommendations include broadening the policy, simplifying administrative processes, increasing financial support, and exploring partnerships with external healthcare providers to improve service quality and accessibility. In conclusion, the analysis of the retirement health policy in Soroti Diocese reveals critical gaps in coverage, particularly for specialized care and preventive services, and highlights the need for increased financial support, streamlined administrative processes, and better communication. Both retirees and management recognize these shortcomings and stress the importance of adopting best practices, including comprehensive insurance plans and partnerships with healthcare providers, to enhance the policy’s effectiveness and better meet retirees' diverse healthcare needs. Lastly, the study recommended the need for a comprehensive review and expansion of the retirement health policy to cover specialized treatments, streamline administrative processes, increase financial support and coverage limits, improve communication and support mechanisms, and explore partnerships with external healthcare providers to enhance service quality and accessibility for retirees.Item Examining the Relevance of Cell Group Ministry in Church Growth: A Case of St. Peter's Cathedral – Tororo (Bukedi Diocese)(Uganda Christian University, 2024-08-30) Patrick Nicholas BarasaThe research examined the relevance of cell-group Ministry and how this has affected church growth in St. Peter’s Cathedral Tororo (Bukedi diocese). Informed by this background, the study identified the factors causing the decline in cell group ministry in the church, established attempts by the church to address this decline and established the effects that Cell Group ministry has on the church. A qualitative evaluative research design was adopted for this research. This was helpful in objectively understanding the perceptions about cell group ministry. The study population included respondents selected among the clergy, cell group leaders, laity and cell group members. Throughout the research, in-depth interviews and examination of records were used to collect data. Respondents’ responses were processed and analysed through the careful coding of interview replies. The study identified several factors that are causing the decline in cell group ministry in the Church such as Christian failure to balance cell group and work; the limited appreciation of the cell group as the foundational and core unit that links the family to the Church; and cell group leaders that have no training and mentorship on the detail of the ministry. Even then, several attempts have been taken by the church to address the decline, such as, provision of leadership by the present clergy, creating clear feedback channels to the members and the deliberate awareness through regular announcements. Finally, is that, Cell group ministry even in its current state has had positive impact on both the church and the general community as witnessed in church unity, increase in numbers, conversion of non-believers and growth in the prayer life and bible reading culture of members. The study recommendations include areas that should be addressed by: Uganda Christian University as a minister training institution; St. Peter’s Cathedral as a beneficiary of Cell Group Ministry; and Bukedi diocese as a mother body.Item Jean Marc-Éla and Common Property Resources: An African Christian Perspective on Eco-Theology(Uganda Christian University, 2024-08-29) Joel Mpalanyi MusaasiziThis dissertation explores an African eco-theology that encourages African Christians to work to promote ecological balance in their surroundings in order to fairly distribute the resources that are available. Uganda is home to a variety of ecosystems, including lakes, rivers, wetlands, forests, and rangÉlands. She is a significant country for the preservation of biodiversity worldwide as well as in Africa. However, a variety of factors, such as the conversion of natural habitats to agricultural land and infrastructure development, are contributing to the loss of biodiversity and irreversible degradation of the environment. Christians, those belonging to the Church of the Province of Uganda, are looking for ways in which their faith may provide constructive answers and practical ways forward. Jean-Marc Éla stands as a relevant and insightful resource for Christians asking these kinds of questions. The attitude towards nature advocated by Éla is liberational in its thrust, but also rooted in the traditions of the African peoples. The imported Judeo-Christian rationalism with which we approach ecological issues, should be cleansed with “a wash in the pond of Siloam” which is the culture of the African people. Peasants across the country who are excluded from benefiting from common property resources are prisoners of a system developed elsewhere for the interest of others. Their situation challenges our faith as Africans and the church can no longer pass by as people are threatened by the clutches of famine whose very appearance strangles the whole of life. We must rethink our Christianity if we are to respond adequately to the situation. Environmental action and eco-mission follows the stewardship motive but Éla proposes a liberative and prophetic motive that rejects any system which produces empty granaries. The study recommends that: the Church of the Province of Uganda rethinks her approach to ecological mission with a view to adopting Jean-marc Éla’s framework in environmental protection activity; that the COU environmental office intentionally works at developing robust eco-theological frameworks that recognize the need for the African Christian to write an alternative history to the past; and, that the Provincial environmental office and the Bishop Tucker School of Divinity and Theology collaborate to establish a Ugandan platform that engages with important apologetic issues, holds periodic conversations on beneficial eco-theology work, and constructively profiles through case studies the actions, experiences, and motivations of Christians involved in Ugandan nature conservation and eco-mission projects.Item The Way of Love: An Exegesis of 1 Corinthians 13:4 -7 and Its Relevance to Church Ministry(Uganda Christian University, 2024-08) Sandra MuseneroThis study explores the “way of love" and its relevance to Church Ministry portrayed in 1 Cor 13:4-7. This love is without limitation in its mode of practice towards all, it extends sweetness to all people, does not subscribe to envy, pride and self-importance but rather cares about the wellbeing of others, it fails to exasperate into pique partly because of patience and rejoices over truth. By so doing it is always looking out for the good in others just as Christ did on the cross. The objectives that guided the study delved into the historical, literal and exegetical analysis, of Paul’s letter while delving into their relevance to the Church. The study employed a qualitative research design in conjunction with a variety of biblical studies techniques which enabled evaluation of the importance of the historical and cultural settings that inspired the letter's composition. The historical critical approach was used to collect and analyse data so that the researcher could fully comprehend the text. The textual criticism approach enabled the researcher to contrast and modify the many sources of 1 Corinthians. The study establishes one major cardinal outcome; that love solves all things and differences and should be emulated as presented in 1 Cor 13:4-7 through extending patience, kindness, desist from envy, boasting, arrogance, rudeness, insistence in one’s own way, resenting others, rejoice with the truth and be able to bear all things, believe all things, hope all things and endure all things.Item A Correlation Between Divine Law and Secular Law: A Case of Kumi Diocese(Uganda Christian University, 2024-08-27) Phillip MugumeThis dissertation explores the intricate relationship between divine law and secular law within the context of the Church of the Province of Uganda, with a specific focus on the Kumi Diocese succession dispute. Over the last decade, the Church of the Province of Uganda has faced a rising number of legal challenges, particularly in relation to the election and succession of bishops. This trend has raised concerns about the possible encroachment of secular legal principles into church governance, leading to significant divisions within various dioceses. The research traces the historical evolution of the Church of the Province of Uganda’s governance, beginning with the establishment of the first African Synod in 1914, through to the current structure of the Church with 39 diocesan bishops. The dissertation investigates the causes of recent lawsuits, examining whether these conflicts stem from changes in church laws, shifts in leadership practices, or misunderstandings between secular law and divine legal frameworks. The study adopts a constructivist research design, utilizing a literary analysis of books, journals, statutory laws, and Canonical laws. It also analyses key case laws, particularly the Kumi Diocese succession case, to understand the legal and theological implications of these disputes. The findings aim to clarify the relationship between secular law and divine law, propose best practices for their harmonious coexistence, and offer recommendations to church leaders for effectively managing legal conflicts. This research is intended to enhance the understanding of legal frameworks within the Church of the Province of Uganda and provide a foundation for further academic inquiry into the intersection of secular and divine law in church governance.Item The Relevance of John Wesley’s Economic Principles for the Advancement of Mission in the Diocese of Northwest Ankole -Province of the Church of Uganda(Uganda Christian University, 2024-08-26) Felex BainomugishaThis study investigated how John Wesley’s economic ideas can be applied to the work of laying a strong foundation for sustainable holistic transformation in the Diocese of Northwest Ankole. The objectives of the study were; to evaluate the socio-economic context of mission in the Diocese of Northwest Ankole, to provide an understanding and application of John Wesley’s economic Philosophy in the Diocese of Northwest Ankole, and to recommend economic values that can be applied by adopting Wesley’s economic ideas with the Diocese of Northwest Ankole mission development plans. A qualitative study approach was adopted. The data collection was carried out using the documentary method. Findings revealed that the Diocese of Northwest Ankole, established in 2017 from the Greater Ankole Diocese, faces a range of socio-economic challenges including poverty, limited education and healthcare access, and economic instability, but it aims to address these issues through John Wesley's principles of ethical stewardship and community development to enhance both spiritual and material well-being. Findings also indicate that John Wesley’s economic philosophy, which emphasizes ethical wealth accumulation ("Gain all you can"), prudent resource management ("Save all you can"), and generous giving ("Give all you can"), offers a framework for addressing the socio-economic challenges in the Diocese of Northwest Ankole, promoting sustainable development and community support while navigating cultural and economic barriers. Findings also revealed that John Wesley's economic principles offer the Diocese of Northwest Ankole a comprehensive framework for enhancing mission development through ethical entrepreneurship, financial stewardship, generosity, economic justice, community-based initiatives, sustainable development, and education. In conclusion, The Diocese of Northwest Ankole's mission, shaped by significant socio-economic challenges, aims to address both spiritual and material needs through sustainable development and healthcare, while applying John Wesley's economic principles to foster ethical entrepreneurship, financial stewardship, and community well-being. The study recommends that the Diocese should invest in modern agricultural training and infrastructure improvements to boost local productivity and reduce poverty. The study also recommends that the Diocese should prioritize educational programs that teach ethical wealth accumulation and prudent resource management. In addition, the Diocese of Northwest Ankole should establish vocational training centers and financial literacy programs to empower individuals and promote ethical entrepreneurship.Item The Origin, Nature, and Purpose of Scripture: An Exegetical Study of 2 Timothy 3:16–17(Uganda Christian University, 2024-08-26) Jacques BihozagaraThis dissertation examines the authority and sufficiency of Scripture through a detailed exegetical study of 2 Timothy 3:16-17. The research seeks to answer critical questions regarding the source, nature, role, and purpose of Scripture within the context of Christian theology. By employing the commentary method, this study offers a verse-by-verse analysis, integrating both historical and literal contexts. Special attention is given to the Greek adjective “Πᾶσα,” which is pivotal in understanding the divine origin and authority of Scripture. Through a comprehensive examination of secondary sources and a library-based approach, this research synthesizes doctrinal insights with practical applications, demonstrating the timeless relevance of Scripture. The findings underscore the foundational role of Scripture in guiding the beliefs and practices of the Christian community, affirming its inspiration, inerrancy, and authority. The dissertation concludes with a summary of key issues identified in the exegetical study and explores their implications for contemporary Christian thought and practice.Item An Analysis of the Theology of Neo-Prophetic Pentecostalism in the Church of the Province of Uganda(Uganda Christian University, 2024-09-03) Martin NdawulaThis research paper delves into the theology of Neo-Prophetic Pentecostalism within the Church of the Province of Uganda (CoU). The study explores how this new wave of African Pentecostalism has influenced traditional Anglican practices, leading to significant theological and practical changes within the CoU. The study begins by examining the historical background and evolution of Pentecostalism globally, with a specific focus on its African context. It then narrows down to Neo-Prophetic Pentecostalism, highlighting its unique characteristics, such as the prophetic ministry, the "Man of God" syndrome, and the attribution of personal and communal challenges to spiritual forces. The paper discusses the challenges posed by Neo-Prophetic Pentecostalism to the Anglican Church, particularly in terms of doctrinal purity, worship style, and church governance. It also considers the responses of the CoU to these challenges, analyzing both the positive and negative impacts of adopting Neo-Prophetic practices. The study further investigates the theological implications of Neo-Prophetic Pentecostalism, questioning its compatibility with traditional Anglican doctrine and the potential for syncretism with African Traditional Religions. To achieve its objectives, the research employs both theoretical and empirical methods, including literature review, interviews with clergy and laity, and observations of church services. The findings reveal a complex interaction between Neo-Prophetic Pentecostalism and Anglicanism, where the former has both revitalized and disrupted the latter. The paper concludes by offering suggestions for a balanced theological response that maintains the core values of Anglicanism while engaging with the dynamic spirituality of Neo-Prophetic Pentecostalism.Item A Study of the Effectiveness of the Church’s Current Measures to Curb Drug and Substance Abuse Among the Youths: A Case Study of Greater Mbarara Archdeaconry, Diocese of Ankole of the Church of Uganda(Uganda Christian University, 2024-08-23) Erinest MpagiThis was a study of the Effectiveness of the Church’s Current Measures to curb Drug and Substance Abuse among the Youths: A Case study of Greater Mbarara Archdeaconry, Ankole Diocese of the Church of Uganda. The current measures include: pastoral counseling, support groups, educational programs, workshops, and youth engagement activities. These initiatives, grounded in the Biblical teachings of love, wisdom, and guidance, provide emotional support, raise awareness, and offer healthy alternatives to drug and substance abuse. To further enhance the Church's response to substance and drug abuse, additional strategies are recommended: enhanced community collaboration based on unity (1 Corinthians 12:12-14), intensive rehabilitation programs following Jesus' healing ministry (Matthew 9:35), family and parental support emphasizing the foundational role of family (Ephesians 6:1-4), vocational training and employment opportunities guided by meaningful work (2 Thessalonians 3:10), and continued spiritual formation and discipleship rooted in strong spiritual disciplines (Romans 12:2). Incorporating these additional strategies, rooted in theological principles, can significantly enhance the Church's efforts to curb drug and substance abuse in the region.Item The Role of School Chaplaincy in the Spiritual Nurturing of Students in Church-Founded Secondary Schools in the Diocese of Lango: A Case Study of Dr. Obote College Boroboro(Uganda Christian University, 2024-03-25) Dick AlengoThe study topic was ―The Role of School Chaplaincy in the Spiritual Nurturing of Students in Church-founded Secondary Schools in the Diocese of Lango: A Case Study of Dr. Obote College Boroboro‖. The study was guided by four research objectives which included: (i) To establish the level of student participation in the chaplaincy at Dr. Obote College Boroboro. (ii) To assess the effect of the chaplaincy on the spiritual nurturing of students at Dr. Obote College Boroboro. (iii) To examine the challenges faced by the chaplaincy in ministering to the students at Dr. Obote College Boroboro. (iv) To establish the coping mechanisms used by the chaplaincy in addressing the challenges of ministering to students at Dr. Obote College Boroboro. I used a case study design and a qualitative research approach, data was entered into nvivo version11, coded in line with the objectives. Thematic analysis was undertaken and the findings were presented verbatimely to make meaning of the study findings. The findings indicate that the chaplaincy was doing a good job of nurturing the spiritual life of students at Dr. Obote College Boroboro despite the challenges encountered which amongst others include the lack of a chapel building in the school premises, and the lack of enough resources to equip the chaplaincy. The study recommends fundraising resources to be committed to the construction of a chapel building within the school premises, and more efforts should be directed towards sensitizing parents to pay attention to the spiritual life of their children at Dr. Obote College Boroboro. From the research findings, the researcher concludes that student participation in the chaplaincy at Dr. Obote College Boroboro is high with most students 97% Christians being able to attend services on Sunday and also participate in the different fellowships in the school. The chaplaincy has a great impact on the spiritual nurturing of students at Dr. Obote College Boroboro with many testimonies shared by students of how chaplaincy positively impacts the lives of students. Chaplaincy has fostered good moral building among students which has enabled them to be obedient and embrace good discipline. However, the chaplaincy is faced with challenges such as lack of a chapel building to serve the purpose of prayer and worship, non-supportive parents to their children at school, and understaffed chaplaincy. The chaplaincy uses coping mechanisms such as counseling students to foster good moral development and encouraging parents to support their children at school. Teachers are encouraged to assist the chaplain in his work. Even when modern musical equipment is lacking, students utilize old music equipment to worship and praise.Item Ephesians 4:14 in the Light of Giving for the Church Growth in Pentecostal Churches-Kampala Area(Uganda Christian University, 2024-07-12) Dieudonne NiyongaboThe purpose of the study was to investigate the relationship between Ephesians 4:14 and the practice of giving for the growth of the church in Pentecostal churches in Uganda. The study was guided by the following objectives; examining the biblical principles of giving for the growth of the church, as outlined in Ephesians 4:14 and other relevant scriptures, exploring the factors that influence the giving patterns of Christians in Pentecostal churches in Uganda, assessing the impact of false teachings by pastors on giving for the growth of the church, and its implications for the spiritual health of Christians in Uganda and evaluating the dialogue between the giving in Ephesians 4:14 and the giving in Pentecostal churches in Uganda The study employed a case research design where qualitative research approach was used. The methods of data collection used during the study were interviews and focus group discussions. A sample of 50 believers/ worshippers/ Christians and 10 Church leaders of the five selected Churches was obtained using both simple random and purposive sampling methods. The study findings revealed that giving, rooted in biblical principles from passages such as Ephesians 4:14, is perceived as a deeply personal and spiritually enriching act of unity, sacrifice, stewardship, and love within the church community. Churches employ strategic approaches to nurture this culture of giving. However, complex factors, including doctrinal teachings, cultural norms, leadership dynamics, and theological traditions, influence giving patterns. False teachings on giving can have detrimental consequences on trust, financial well-being, and spiritual health. To counter this, church leaders must prioritize biblical teaching, transparency, and education to foster authentic, faith-driven giving. The comparative analysis underscores shared and distinct aspects of giving in Ephesians 4:14 and Pentecostal churches, with both contexts emphasizing the communal nature of giving and its significance in honoring God while accommodating variations in theological interpretations, worship practices, and leadership roles. Finally, the study recommends that Pentecostal Church leaders in Kampala prioritize comprehensive biblical teaching on giving, emphasizing unity, sacrifice, stewardship, and love. Transparency, accountability, and financial education should be maintained to build trust among members.Item Factors Causing Poverty Among the Retired Clergy in Mityana Diocese(Uganda Christian University, 2019-10-25) Richard MulindwaThe consequences of poverty have historically been recognized by the church, which like other organizations been at the helm of alleviating poverty. In the entire Old Testament tradition, poverty is regarded as a scandalous condition that should never exist in the land because it may force one to steal and bring disgrace to God (Proverbs 30:9). What should be noted however is the fact that some of the clergy who spread the above mentioned messages are also living in non-adorable conditions, contrary to what the Biblical stand is regarding the Levites and this has been found to be true especially among the retired clergy in Mityana diocese. Prior to this study however, there was a scanty literature related to poverty and its influencing factors among retired clergy, the literature has been cited in generic terms tackling retirees in general. Three objectives i.e. To investigate the Individual and diocesan related factors influencing poverty among the retired clergy in Mityana diocese, To explore the prevailing living condition of the retired clergy in Mityana diocese and To suggest what the diocese can do to improve the lives of the retired clergy guided the study. The study findings revealed that Poverty rates are high among the retired clergy in Mityana diocese and this is manifested in the inability of the retired clergy to afford and access health care, inability to obtain basic needs and living in dilapidated houses. It’s on the basis of the study findings that the researcher adopts an amendment to reduce clergy retirement age to 55 years to allow for retirement with enough vigor to more productively and one to carry out business ventures. The church through the directorate of education could also consider inculcating a unit on entrepreneurship in the current theological training curriculum. That will not only inculcate entrepreneurship skills among the to-be clergy but also stimulate them to start up enterprises before or after training.Item A Critique of Bishop Yustus Ruhindi's Eucharistic Theology in Light of the Anglican Communion's Eucharistic Theology(Uganda Christian University, 2023-10-04) Edward AsiimweA critique of Ruhindi's Eucharistic theology which admits Christians to the Holy Table without concern for their outward conformance to Christian norms has brought conflict within the Province of the Church of Uganda that teaches the theology of Eucharistic Exclusivism. The purpose of the study was to analyze Ruhindi's Eucharistic theology and suggest ways in which the Eucharistic theology in the Church of Uganda can be improved so as to be accepted by all dioceses. It is paramount to preserve and keep the Holy Sacrament sacred but it is also equally important to understand the context as Africans, Church of the Province of Uganda and even to the level of a Diocese. From the reviewed literature, it was evident that the church leaders should be charged to serve under obligation to fulfill the command of Jesus, "who hates sin but loves sinners," to hold up the weak, heal the sick, to bind up the broken, to bring again the outcasts and to seek the lost. There is much need for every church to be engaged in continuous self-examination, scrutinize its traditions in the light of the Holy Scriptures and see where it is necessary to make changes, to restate and re-interpret its doctrine and to bring back the mind of Christ into the church. This is exactly what is needed in dealing with the pastoral problems in the Church of Uganda today. The study revealed that the church of Uganda should facilitate and support the Commission for Liturgy and more particularly on Sacraments and make it more active, put more attention in strengthening unity in diversity, have model and well informed church leadership who must be under the full submission of God. Christians need to understand that to take the Holy Eucharist unworthily means being selfish, disregarding the needs of others in the church, satisfying own cravings, and not having a sense of community or mutual fellowship. Members need to be taught how to examine themselves prior to Eucharist. This, therefore, calls upon Christians the need to confess sins to God and to take an inventory of their spiritual lives.