Master of Divinity (For graduates without theological background)

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    The Role of School Chaplaincy in the Spiritual Nurturing of Students in Church-Founded Secondary Schools in the Diocese of Lango: A Case Study of Dr. Obote College Boroboro
    (Uganda Christian University, 2024-03-25) Dick Alengo
    The study topic was ―The Role of School Chaplaincy in the Spiritual Nurturing of Students in Church-founded Secondary Schools in the Diocese of Lango: A Case Study of Dr. Obote College Boroboro‖. The study was guided by four research objectives which included: (i) To establish the level of student participation in the chaplaincy at Dr. Obote College Boroboro. (ii) To assess the effect of the chaplaincy on the spiritual nurturing of students at Dr. Obote College Boroboro. (iii) To examine the challenges faced by the chaplaincy in ministering to the students at Dr. Obote College Boroboro. (iv) To establish the coping mechanisms used by the chaplaincy in addressing the challenges of ministering to students at Dr. Obote College Boroboro. I used a case study design and a qualitative research approach, data was entered into nvivo version11, coded in line with the objectives. Thematic analysis was undertaken and the findings were presented verbatimely to make meaning of the study findings. The findings indicate that the chaplaincy was doing a good job of nurturing the spiritual life of students at Dr. Obote College Boroboro despite the challenges encountered which amongst others include the lack of a chapel building in the school premises, and the lack of enough resources to equip the chaplaincy. The study recommends fundraising resources to be committed to the construction of a chapel building within the school premises, and more efforts should be directed towards sensitizing parents to pay attention to the spiritual life of their children at Dr. Obote College Boroboro. From the research findings, the researcher concludes that student participation in the chaplaincy at Dr. Obote College Boroboro is high with most students 97% Christians being able to attend services on Sunday and also participate in the different fellowships in the school. The chaplaincy has a great impact on the spiritual nurturing of students at Dr. Obote College Boroboro with many testimonies shared by students of how chaplaincy positively impacts the lives of students. Chaplaincy has fostered good moral building among students which has enabled them to be obedient and embrace good discipline. However, the chaplaincy is faced with challenges such as lack of a chapel building to serve the purpose of prayer and worship, non-supportive parents to their children at school, and understaffed chaplaincy. The chaplaincy uses coping mechanisms such as counseling students to foster good moral development and encouraging parents to support their children at school. Teachers are encouraged to assist the chaplain in his work. Even when modern musical equipment is lacking, students utilize old music equipment to worship and praise.
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    Ephesians 4:14 in the Light of Giving for the Church Growth in Pentecostal Churches-Kampala Area
    (Uganda Christian University, 2024-07-12) Dieudonne Niyongabo
    The purpose of the study was to investigate the relationship between Ephesians 4:14 and the practice of giving for the growth of the church in Pentecostal churches in Uganda. The study was guided by the following objectives; examining the biblical principles of giving for the growth of the church, as outlined in Ephesians 4:14 and other relevant scriptures, exploring the factors that influence the giving patterns of Christians in Pentecostal churches in Uganda, assessing the impact of false teachings by pastors on giving for the growth of the church, and its implications for the spiritual health of Christians in Uganda and evaluating the dialogue between the giving in Ephesians 4:14 and the giving in Pentecostal churches in Uganda The study employed a case research design where qualitative research approach was used. The methods of data collection used during the study were interviews and focus group discussions. A sample of 50 believers/ worshippers/ Christians and 10 Church leaders of the five selected Churches was obtained using both simple random and purposive sampling methods. The study findings revealed that giving, rooted in biblical principles from passages such as Ephesians 4:14, is perceived as a deeply personal and spiritually enriching act of unity, sacrifice, stewardship, and love within the church community. Churches employ strategic approaches to nurture this culture of giving. However, complex factors, including doctrinal teachings, cultural norms, leadership dynamics, and theological traditions, influence giving patterns. False teachings on giving can have detrimental consequences on trust, financial well-being, and spiritual health. To counter this, church leaders must prioritize biblical teaching, transparency, and education to foster authentic, faith-driven giving. The comparative analysis underscores shared and distinct aspects of giving in Ephesians 4:14 and Pentecostal churches, with both contexts emphasizing the communal nature of giving and its significance in honoring God while accommodating variations in theological interpretations, worship practices, and leadership roles. Finally, the study recommends that Pentecostal Church leaders in Kampala prioritize comprehensive biblical teaching on giving, emphasizing unity, sacrifice, stewardship, and love. Transparency, accountability, and financial education should be maintained to build trust among members.
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    Factors Causing Poverty Among the Retired Clergy in Mityana Diocese
    (Uganda Christian University, 2019-10-25) Richard Mulindwa
    The consequences of poverty have historically been recognized by the church, which like other organizations been at the helm of alleviating poverty. In the entire Old Testament tradition, poverty is regarded as a scandalous condition that should never exist in the land because it may force one to steal and bring disgrace to God (Proverbs 30:9). What should be noted however is the fact that some of the clergy who spread the above mentioned messages are also living in non-adorable conditions, contrary to what the Biblical stand is regarding the Levites and this has been found to be true especially among the retired clergy in Mityana diocese. Prior to this study however, there was a scanty literature related to poverty and its influencing factors among retired clergy, the literature has been cited in generic terms tackling retirees in general. Three objectives i.e. To investigate the Individual and diocesan related factors influencing poverty among the retired clergy in Mityana diocese, To explore the prevailing living condition of the retired clergy in Mityana diocese and To suggest what the diocese can do to improve the lives of the retired clergy guided the study. The study findings revealed that Poverty rates are high among the retired clergy in Mityana diocese and this is manifested in the inability of the retired clergy to afford and access health care, inability to obtain basic needs and living in dilapidated houses. It’s on the basis of the study findings that the researcher adopts an amendment to reduce clergy retirement age to 55 years to allow for retirement with enough vigor to more productively and one to carry out business ventures. The church through the directorate of education could also consider inculcating a unit on entrepreneurship in the current theological training curriculum. That will not only inculcate entrepreneurship skills among the to-be clergy but also stimulate them to start up enterprises before or after training.
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    A Critique of Bishop Yustus Ruhindi's Eucharistic Theology in Light of the Anglican Communion's Eucharistic Theology
    (Uganda Christian University, 2023-10-04) Edward Asiimwe
    A critique of Ruhindi's Eucharistic theology which admits Christians to the Holy Table without concern for their outward conformance to Christian norms has brought conflict within the Province of the Church of Uganda that teaches the theology of Eucharistic Exclusivism. The purpose of the study was to analyze Ruhindi's Eucharistic theology and suggest ways in which the Eucharistic theology in the Church of Uganda can be improved so as to be accepted by all dioceses. It is paramount to preserve and keep the Holy Sacrament sacred but it is also equally important to understand the context as Africans, Church of the Province of Uganda and even to the level of a Diocese. From the reviewed literature, it was evident that the church leaders should be charged to serve under obligation to fulfill the command of Jesus, "who hates sin but loves sinners," to hold up the weak, heal the sick, to bind up the broken, to bring again the outcasts and to seek the lost. There is much need for every church to be engaged in continuous self-examination, scrutinize its traditions in the light of the Holy Scriptures and see where it is necessary to make changes, to restate and re-interpret its doctrine and to bring back the mind of Christ into the church. This is exactly what is needed in dealing with the pastoral problems in the Church of Uganda today. The study revealed that the church of Uganda should facilitate and support the Commission for Liturgy and more particularly on Sacraments and make it more active, put more attention in strengthening unity in diversity, have model and well informed church leadership who must be under the full submission of God. Christians need to understand that to take the Holy Eucharist unworthily means being selfish, disregarding the needs of others in the church, satisfying own cravings, and not having a sense of community or mutual fellowship. Members need to be taught how to examine themselves prior to Eucharist. This, therefore, calls upon Christians the need to confess sins to God and to take an inventory of their spiritual lives.
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    The Effectiveness of Rewards to the Work Performance of the Clergy in Bukwo Archdeaconry, Diocese of Sebei
    (Uganda Christian University, 2023-10-03) Philip Komu Mangusho
    The study assessed the effectiveness of rewards of the clergy to the work performance in Bukwo Archdeaconry Diocese of Sebei. The research particularly examined how the rewards can lead to better performance of the clergy. The researcher used sampling methods and self-administered questionnaires to a sample of 38 respondents whom all responded. The findings revealed that 21%of the respondents accepted that rewards are given and clergy their clergy perform well while 79% showed that they do not reward their clergy and so performance so poor. In conclusion the researcher observed that rewards contribute to work performance.