Relationship Between Church Marriage and the Sustainability of Marriage a Case Study of Arua Urban Archdeaconry

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Uganda Christian University


This study was undertaken in Arua Urban Archdeaconry, Diocese of Madi West Nile. with the objective of finding out the “Relationship between Church Marriage and the Sustainability of marriage” which would be got by responding to the Central Research question “to what extend does church marriage influence the sustainability of marital relationships in contemporary society” the researcher then made use of the available data collecting tools like the questionnaire, interviews and focus group discussions to come up with the row data which was then analysed by use of an excel sheet, in tabular forms. the researcher used qualitative approach to determine the relationship between Church marriage and the Sustainability of marriages. The findings revealed that there is a strong relationship between the church marriage and sustainability of families, this was determined through the results got from the surveys, interviews and focus group discussions done to determine the significant factors that impact on the success or failure of sustaining families that undertook church marriages in Arua Urban Archdeaconry”. Meaning that families that have been married in church are more sustainable than those not married in church. It was then Recommended that whereas we have factors that foster a strong impact on the sustainability of families, it’s worth noting that the church plays a big role in fostering and developing this relationship by noting that over 95% of the respondents were positive on the impact of the church playing a positive role in sustainability of the families.


