Analysis of the Sudan Conflict: A Case Study of Darfur and Nuba Mountains

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Uganda Christian University


This research analyzed the Sudan conflict: Case of Darfur and Nuba mountains. The research was guided by the following objectives; To assess how centralization of power has caused the conflict in Nuba Mountains and Darfur, To evaluate how economic and social inequalities lead to the conflict in Nuba Mountains and Darfur, To find out how the Islamization of the Sudan is responsible for the conflict in Nuba Mountains and Darfur and to assess how the Arabization of the Sudan is responsible for conflicts in Nuba Mountains and Darfur. A descriptive design was employed which gave the respondents opportunity to openly state their opinions about the phenomena under the study. 120 respondents participated in this study, both qualitative and quantitative approaches were used. The researcher employed two methods to collect data, that is self-administered survey questionnaire and key informant Interviews. The researcher used questionnaires to gather information from the selected respondents and analyzed by use of SPSS version 23 and thematic analysis was used to analyze qualitative data. The findings reveal that there are governance issues in Sudan as represented by 90% responses. 100% and 95% respondents said there is abuse of human rights and no power sharing respectively and there is no decentralization of power (85%) in Sudan. There is discrimination against the people of Nuba and Darfur regions as represented by 70% responses; key positions at the local levels for governors, commissioners, police, military and judiciary are taken up by people from other regions. This is supported by 95% respondents affirming that there is imbalance in allocating government employment. 100% of the respondents agreed that Government uses the sharia law in its administration of justice and power irrespective of citizens religious diversity and that the education system is religious biased (100%). Centralization of power has affected the government- citizens relationship and it is one of the causes of conflicts in the Darfur and Nuba Mountains. To have peace in the Nuba Mountains and Darfur, decentralized governance would be the ideal solution. There is need for talks, negotiation and arbitration between the people living in Darfur and Nuba mountains and government if lasting peace and sustainable development is to be achieved.


Masters dissertation

