Community Management and Sustainability of Gravity Water Flow Scheme in Uganda, A Case of Rubanda District

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International Journal of Social Science and Humanities Research


The study investigated community management and sustainability of the gravity water flow scheme in Rubanda district, Uganda. The study adopted a cross-sectional survey and descriptive research design. A descriptive research design was helpful in establishing how community management is essential in ensuring the sustainability of the gravity water flow schemes in Rubanda. Both quantitative and qualitative approaches were employed in collecting and analyzing data, which was collected in a snapshot interaction between the researcher and field respondents. The study applied a convenient sampling technique to select water users and water committee members. The study established that Community management appeared very insignificant in contributing to the sustainability of gravity flow schemes. Efforts to incorporate gender in sustainability have yielded almost nothing. The government does not have adequate staffing to provide repairs and maintenance of rural water, the communities are able to mobilize funds for repairs and maintenance of water facilities but are not good at attracting external funding. The study recommends that Government, through its water and sanitation department at the district level should consider employing technical staff in water management to provide standby services to rural water communities. Community leaders should consider the involvement of women in water management, as they are the most important users of water facilities. The government, NGOs, and private sector should train communities in fundraising, and proposal writing so as to attract external funding for supporting the sustainability of water facilities.


