Community Involvement and Management of Public Secondary Schools in Kumi District, Uganda

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Uganda Christian University


The purpose of this study was to establish the influence of community involvement on the management of public secondary schools in Kumi district. The study objectives were to assess how the community is involved in management of public secondary schools in Kumi district, to examine the influence of community involvement on the management of public secondary schools in Kumi district and to investigate the challenges faced in community involvement in management of public secondary schools in Kumi district. A total of 211 respondents were used in this study and these included the head teachers, teachers, community members and DEO. The researcher used a descriptive survey design. Questionnaires and interview guides were used as data collection instruments. Study findings revealed that in most public secondary schools, community members are not involved in school management. Study findings also revealed that most community members do not offer financial and non-financial support to schools besides the school fees they pay. Findings of the study further revealed that community involvement has a great influence on school management because it increases students’ enrolment and attendance, helps community members to air out their grievances, makes community members to demand for accountability and improves on the relationship between community members and school administration and increases students’ performance. Study findings also revealed that community involvement in school management faces a lot of challenges: delayed remittance of capitation grant by government, reluctance of community members to participate in school activities, individual differences among community members and hostility of some community members. This has made it difficult to manage public secondary schools. Basing on study findings, it was recommended that Public secondary schools in Kumi District should fully involve community members in school management, the government ought to remit capitation grant to schools in time, there ought to be diversity management among community members such that individual differences among community members are ignored and there is need to create a cordial relationship between community members and school administration to curb down hostility of some community members.


Masters dissertation.

