Factors Associated With Utilization of Health Facility Based Delivery Services Among Mothers in Kacheri Sub-county, Kotido District

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Uganda Christian University


Introduction: This study was conducted to determine the factors associated with health facility utilization during delivery among mothers in Kacheri Sub County, Ko-tido District. The major aim in this study was to determine the level of utilization of facility deliveries and the factors associated with health facility delivery services among mothers in Kacheri Sub County, Kotido District. Methods: A facility-based analytical cross-sectional research design, was considered more appropriate to study the level and determinants of health facility delivery among mothers in Kacheri Sub County, Kotido District. The research study was conducted in two health facilities that serve the communities in Kacheri sub-county in Kotido district that is Kacheri HCIII and Lokiding HCII. A sample of 384 mothers was determined using Cochran Formula (Cochran 1977). A structured questionnaire was used during data collection through face to face interviews with selected par-ticipants. The Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) Version 7 was used to analyze the data by identifying predictors that are independent for the use of health services for childbirth, logistic regression was employed. The odds ratio (OR) and their confidence level of 95% were presented. Results: The study findings indicate that majority of the mothers in the study 244 (62.6%) delivered in health facilities compared to 112 (28.9%) deliveries occurred at home without any assistance of skilled personnel as compared to 25(6.4%) were de-liveries conducted by traditional birth attendants and others (on the way) 09(2.3%) delivery occurs on the way to health facility respectively. The study also identified ANC visits, Education levels, marital status, employment, proximity to a medical facility, and frequency of prenatal care visits are known as important predictors with delivering in health facilities. Conclusion and recommendations: Although the utilization of health facilities deliv-eries in Kacheri sub-county was moderately high compared to those who gave birth at home. The study identified the education levels, marital status, employment, proximity to a medical facility, and frequency of prenatal care visits as major pre-dictors associated with delivering in health facilities. Besides, mothers who attend-ed some formal education had some knowledge on the benefits of health facility delivery and interest in delivering in the health facility. The study recommends in-tensifying sensitization of mothers, frequent ANC visits, improving transport sys-tems and sensitizing the communities to keep younger girls in schools to prevent teenage pregnancies as key in improving health facility deliveries.


