Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Assessment Framework for Uganda: A Stochastic Event-Based Modelling Approach

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Uganda lies between the eastern and western arms of the East African Rift System, the largest seismically active rift above sea level. With increasing population, urbanisation and rapid construction, seismic risk in the country is escalating fast and is compounded by the high vulnerability of the building stock and inadequate disaster prevention and mitiga- tion strategies. Hence, there is an urgent need to assess Uganda’s resilience against seis- mic risks. This paper presents a Monte-Carlo based probabilistic seismic hazard model for Uganda, as the first step towards the development of a seismic risk and resilience assess- ment framework for the country. In addition to fault segment data, earthquake catalogues are compiled for the period between 1900 and 2022 to estimate recurrence parameters for source zones in the area of interest. Area source zones incorporating focal mechanisms are used to stochastically model a national hazard framework for Uganda. A logic tree approach is applied to implement four ground motion prediction equations for both stable continental and active shallow crust geologies. Mean hazard curves, uniform hazard spec- tra, earthquake disaggregation and spectral pseudo-accelerations for major Ugandan cities are derived in addition to hazard maps for the country. The findings are largely consistent with previous regional studies and confirm that western Uganda is exposed to the highest level of seismicity. The model presented herein can be used to kick-start the update and continuous improvement of Uganda Seismic Design Code and the National Policy for Dis- aster Preparedness and Management.




Oleng, M., Ozdemir, Z., & Pilakoutas, K. (2024). Probablistic eismic hazard assessment framework for Uganda: a stochastic event‐based modelling approach. Springer, 22: 1539-1579,