Participatory media for a non-participating community: Western media for Southern communities

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This paper draws on the contrast between community media and the nature of its communities in Africa that are not participatory but use participatory media. The general contention is that participatory media in Africa preside over non-participatory communities. The paper uses data collected at one Ugandan community media to prove that the limitations between community media and ‘the community’ require over half a century to solve. The immediate solution should be to rethink the idea of community, pay more attention not just to the nature of which media can develop which community as if it (community) was a homogeneous entity but also the idea of which community has the ability to host which media. The paper concludes by suggesting a redefinition of media to include non-media forms that show more potential in enhancing participation for all than community media.


This paper draws on the contrast between community media and the nature of its communities in Africa that are not participatory but use participatory media. The general contention is that participatory media in Africa preside over non-participatory communities.


Basic media, Participatory media, Community media


Semujju, Brian. Participatory media for a non-participating community: Western media for Southern communities. The International Communication Gazette 2014, Vol. 76(2) 197–208. Sage publications DOI: 10.1177/1748048513504166