Integrity and the Contemporary Church: A Case of the Anglican Church– Diocese of Tarime, Tanzania, East Africa

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The study was about the Integrity and the contemporary church, A Case of the Anglican Church - Diocese of Tarime, Tanzania, East, Africa The study sought to analyze the implication of integrity on the ministry of church leaders and Christians in general today in the Anglican Church - Diocese of Tarime in Tanzania, East Africa. The specific objectives of the study were the practice of integrity in the contemporary church, the importance of integrity in the contemporary church, the challenges of integrity in the contemporary church and the Christian and strategies to address the challenges in the Anglican Church - Diocese of Tarime, Tanzania, East Africa. The researcher used both quantitative and qualitative designs for a detailed and comprehensive analysis and interpretation of the data. The quantitative aspect considered the numbers involved in the study; while the qualitative considered the correctness, reliability and the accuracy of the information. The effective ministry of the gospel and the growth and evangelization was found to be dependent on the practice of integrity for moral uprightness of both the Christians and leaders, both lay and ordained. On the issue of the importance of integrity in the contemporary church ministry, it was found out that; majority of Christians embrace it fully. On the challenges of integrity, the study revealed that integrity is compromised by a number of aspects of life such sexual scandals, economy/poverty, lack of adequate training of minister (lay and ordained). While the strategies to address the challenge included training, seminars, books handouts, counseling, Bible study, Sunday Schools and discipleship programs.


