Strategies for faith engagement within One’s Career:The role of Uganda Christian University in preparing students for Post-graduation life.

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Taylor & Francis Group, LLC


This article examines the role of Uganda Christian University (UCU) in devising strategies for the sustenance of Christian faith in one’s career for the betterment of the society despite its social ills. The current theme of UCU is “A Complete Education for a Complete Person.” As a Christian university, UCU seeks to provide a positive educational experience and a strong biblical foundation for all that God will call upon its graduates to do in the years that follow. A biblical worldview should see God as the source of truth in all academic disciplines; after all, God not only made all things but he knows them intimately. Given the hostile and challenging social, political, and economic environment of Africa, and Uganda in particular, how can one keep Christian faith in his or her career? How can one remain “salt and light” of such a society? Being a Christian is no longer popular in Uganda and an alarming number of young Christians are walking away from their faith by the time they finish their university years. Mere academic knowledge should not be the sole aim of education, but rather the Christian character in one’s life during education and, later on, in his or her career.


This article examines the role of Uganda Christian University (UCU) in devising strategies for the sustenance of Christian faith in one’s career for the betterment of the society despite its social ills


Christian university, Faith engagement, Dress code, Community hour, Christian mission


Rugyendo Medard Strategies for Faith Engagement within One’s Career: The Role of Uganda Christian University in Preparing Students for Post-graduation Life. Christian higher education, Vol 14 Issue: 1/2, pp. 17–27, 2015 copyright c Taylor & Francis group, LLC ISSN: 1536-3759 print/1539-4107 online Doi: 10.1080/15363759.2015.974415