Effect of Earthen Pond Fish Farming Practices on Water Quality: a case of group and individual farmers in Buikwe district

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The overall objective of the study was to determine the quality of water in earthen fish ponds in Buikwe district, Eastern Uganda. The study was guided by the following specific objectives: 1) To examine the socio-economic factors of smallholder pond fish farmers in Nyenga Division; 2) determine the level of awareness on water resource use and safety practices among smallholder pond fish farmers in Nyenga Division; 3) assess the biophysical parameters of water resources used in earthen ponds in Nyenga Division; and lastly 4) assess the effect of pond effluents on the water quality in the downstream in Nyenga Division. Data on biophysical parameters was collected using a combination of water collection equipment in the forms of sterile bottles, while social economic data was collected using questionnaires and secondary data sources. Total Dissolved Solids was analyzed using standard methods 2540 B, pH by a multipurpose pH meter, BOD and DO using standard titrimetric method, turbidity by nephelometric method using a turbid meter. Concentrations of minerals - Phosphates, Nitrates and Ammonia water samples were analysed using an atomic absorption spectrophotometer (AAS). Using excel and SPSS data was analyzed and this was presented using frequencies, percentages, charts and graphs. Regression, ANOVA, t-tests and correlations were used to analyze significance of the variables. The study found that there is no variation in socio-economic characteristics of pond farmers in Nyenga Division when a t-test statistical analysis was conducted, and the results were p<0.05 which is statistically significant. The pond farmers are adequately aware of the water resource use and safety practices indicated by R-square value of 0.35 obtained and (p<0.000 & 0.010) which was confirmed by ANOVA test results (p>0.05); the biophysical parameters at the earthen pond inlets, middle points, and at the outlets this was proven when One-way ANOVA test indicated (p>0.05); and lastly, the pond effluents have not altered the water quality in the streams in Nyenga division which was revealed by the t-test analysis (p>0.05) for all the three villages.


