Analysis of the Depiction of Corporal Punishment in Two Ugandan Novels and Its Effects on Students

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Asian Journal of Language, Literature and Culture Studies


This paper examines the portrayal of corporal punishment in Mary Karooro Okurut’s The Invisible Weevil [1] and Julius Ocwinyo’s Fate of the Banished [2]. The researchers investigate the issues and challenges surrounding the students who are subjected to corporal punishment as portrayed in two Ugandan novels within the framework of post-colonial theory. This study has used a qualitative content analysis of two Ugandan novels followed by identification of the key words, concepts, themes, phrases, characters, or sentences within texts or sets of texts to unfold subjective interpretation of the novels. Qualitative content analysis was used to investigate how corporal punishment has affected the students. The study found that corporal punishment produces fear, timidity, submissiveness and violence and is the root cause of school dropout, as evidenced by characters in the two novels. It is concluded that fear, timidity, rebellion and violence are consequences of corporal punishment in the school setting. It is recommended that the Ministry of Education and all the stakeholders should endeavor to end corporal punishment in schools because it diminishes a child's capacity to grow up as a responsible person.


This paper examines the portrayal of corporal punishment in Mary Karooro Okurut’s The Invisible Weevil [1] and Julius Ocwinyo’s Fate of the Banished [2].


Corporal punishment, Education, School dropout


Naula, Mary, Gulere, Cornelius W., Owor, Joseph J., 2018. Analysis of the Depiction of Corporal Punishment in Two Ugandan Novels and Its Effects on Students, Asian Journal of Language, Literature and Culture Studies, 1(3): 1-8; DOI: 10.9734/AJL2C/2018/44935