One-On-One Riddling Approaches to Local Languages and Literature Revitalization In Uganda

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The gains and challenges in fulfilling the Asmara 2000 declarations on African Languages and Literatures have shown that individuals are the key to sustainable revitalization. Using riddling approaches, the author has brought Lusoga from the doldrums of an endangered language to the realms of vitality in Uganda. Riddling constructs words, acts and thoughts of individuals into collective knowledge for the general good of society. By sidelining policies that put national budgets above the interests of people, he high costs anticipated in undertaking any substantial language development program have been superseded Through individual efforts, over 100,000 artifacts have been documented in the past 15 years, making Lusoga Language and Literature readable, researchable and examinable in Schools. Proving that, regimes needed more individuals than money to promote mother tongues; and the removal of national and official language policies that hinder the use and development of local languages.


This is a Conference Paper on One-On-One Riddling Approaches to Local Languages and Literature Revitalization in Uganda


Riddling, Revitalization, Language Policy


Gulere, Cornelius Wambi. Conference Paper on One-On-One Riddling Approaches to Local Languages and Literature Revitalization in Uganda, June 2018