Top Management Team Characteristics and Per formance o f Ug andan State Ag encies
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University of Nairobi
There has been variation in the performance of state agencies in Uganda, with some displaying excellent results in following their mandates, while others are performing dismally. Past research has exhibited that Top Management Team (TMT) characteristics affect the performance of organisations. The main objective of this study was to determine the relationship between TMT characteristics and the performance of Ugandan state agencies. The study was anchored on the upper echelons theory. The study adopted a descriptive cross-sectional research design. The target population of the study was the 201 state agencies in Uganda. The study adopted at least three members of the TMT depending on the number of TMT members of the 160 selected state agencies in Uganda to gather the required information. Primary data was gathered using a structured questionnaire that was administered online. Inferential statistics employed regression analysis to test the hypothesis and draw conclusions. The results of the study showed that there is a significant relationship between TMT characteristics and the performance of Ugandan State Agencies (Adjusted R2 = .241, F = 49.071, p<0.05. This study concluded that behavioural characteristics contributed more to the performance of agencies than psychological and demographic characteristics. The study recommends that the recruitment process of TMTs should include demographic, behavioural, and psychological characteristics as requirements. The management should focus on formulating their strategies of maintaining or hiring knowledgeable employees who have good experience and are in the age bracket of 40. Also, all state agencies in Uganda should think of policies on the capabilities of the individuals of the TMT. The study recommends a gender balance in Ugandan State Agencies to have gender inclusion in the government to have one-third gender representation.
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