Gendered sexual risk patterns and polygamy among HIV sero-discordant couples in Uganda


Multiple sexual partnerships and HIV sero-discordant relationships are among the most at-risk for HIV transmission. Polygamy is a common form of multiple-partnered relationships in Eastern Uganda. We investigated the association between HIV risk patterns and polygamy among HIV sero-discordant couples at The AIDS Support Organization in Jinja, Uganda Methods Participants were enrollees in a prospective cohort of HIV sero-discordant couples, the Highly Active Antiretroviral therapy as Prevention (HAARP) Study at TASO Jinja. Descriptive nand bivariate analyses to compare sexual risk patterns among HIV sero-discordant men; in polygamous as compared to single-spouse relationship.


This study examined the multiple sexual partnerships and HIV sero-discordant relationships are among the most at-risk for HIV transmission.


Sero – discordant, Sexual partnership, Polygamy – HIV Sero-discordant


Khanakwa et al. Gendered sexual risk patterns and polygamy among HIV sero-discordant couples in Uganda. Retrovirology. Vol 9(Supplementary 1):P103. (2012) DOI: 10.1186/1742-4690-9-S1-P.103