Effects of Global Sourcing on the Growth of an Organization. A Case of Cargotrans DRC SAS

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Uganda Christian University


The purpose of the study was to examine the effect of global sourcing on the growth of an organization: a case of Cargo Trans DRC Sas. The objectives were to determine the effects of global sourcing on the growth of Cargo Trans DRC Sas, to examine the global sourcing strategies used in Cargo Trans DRC Sas and to identify the risks and challenges of global sourcing that hinder growth of Cargo Trans DRC Sas. The Transaction Cost Economics Theory guided the study. This study adopted a case study design which was well-suited for investigating contemporary events and enabled exploration of both "why" questions, such as the motives for global sourcing, and "how" questions, such as the methodologies and approaches employed in making global sourcing decisions. The study was in Cargo Trans and the data was collected from 08 respondents using closed ended questionnaires and interviews. Data analysis was conducted using the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS), where information was gathered to generate descriptive statistics. Qualitative data was divided it into different categories or topics to simplify the transcribing process where an interview summary was used. The data collected revealed that global sourcing had an effect on growth of the company in terms of access to new markets, reduced costs, competitive advantage, production capacity. The results also revealed that Cargo Trans uses domestic sourcing, international sourcing and offshoring. The risks and challenges including limited quality control especially in maintaining consistent quality across diverse suppliers, hidden costs related to customs, logistics, and other factors, complicated logistics in managing the global supply chain, language and cultural differences leading to communication barriers that can impact efficiency, natural disasters and transport delays that can affect supply chain timeliness. The study recommends that Cargo Trans should focus on sustainable practices, integrate various sourcing and develop a comprehensive risk management strategy.


Postgraduate research

