Quality of Work Life and Teacher Performance in Selected Private Secondary Schools in Nama Sub County Mukono District

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Uganda Christian University


The study was conducted to explore the influence of quality of work life on teacher performance in selected private secondary schools in Nama Sub County- Mukono district. The study objectives included: to establish the determinants of quality of work life in selected private secondary schools in Nama Sub County, to establish the relationship between the quality of work life and teacher commitment in selected private secondary schools in Nama Sub County, and to establish the moderating effect of quality of work life on teacher turnover in selected private secondary schools in Nama Sub County. The research employed a cross-sectional survey design. Both quantitative and qualitative approaches were used. The study population comprised of 5 head teachers, 5 deputy head-teachers, 5 directors of schools, 2 District Inspectors of School, and 69 teachers. The questionnaires and interview guide were used in data collection. Data was analyzed quantitatively and qualitatively. From the field study, it was revealed that job security or security at work, balanced compensation; safe and healthy working conditions; adequate salary to all teachers; proper communication as well as team work; and career development in form of continuous professional development for teachers; these are the major determinants of quality of work life in selected private secondary schools in Nama Sub County. It also revealed that there was a positive significant relationship between the quality of work life and teacher commitment in selected private secondary schools in Nama Sub County (r=0.686, p=0.000) with a regression R2 of .471. This implies that any changes in quality of work life would lead to 47.1% chance change in the teacher job commitment. These results depict that the quality of work life is significantly related with improved teachers’ commitment (β1 =0.686, p<0.01). The study further noted that the presence of physical facilities such as teachers’ houses encourages their punctuality at work; benefits such as salary enhance teacher job commitment, and teamwork among teaching staff enhance students’ academic outcome in private secondary schools. The study further revealed that there is a positive significant relationship between quality of work life and teacher turnover in selected private secondary schools (r=0.342, p=0.002) and regression R2 of .117. This implies that in situations where there is teachers’ quality of work, job satisfaction is observed thus decreasing their intentions to leave the school; and compensation and fringe benefits arouse teachers’ interest to the extent of retaining them in school. Basing on the above, it is concluded that quality of work life moderately influence teacher performance in selected private secondary schools in Nama Sub County. The study recommended that private secondary schools should have a policy on teachers’ motivation. There is need for a streamlined policy on teaches renumeration to improve on the quality of work life; and areas of further research were suggested.


Masters dissertation.

