Fathers and Fatherhood for Sons and Daughters (Fathering Children)

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Family Conference - Uganda Christian University


Children who have caring fathers in their future cannot become culprits of sexual abuse because of the excellent relationship they have experienced with the influence of their father’s sexual behaviours. Instead mothers act as security guards in relationship to their sons and daughters. In this paper we shall discuss several matters concerning fatherhood parenting that is to say; the importance of fathers in the children’s life; because fathers impact a lot on the well-being starting from birth, emotional, security, confidence, environment and as children connect with others socially as they grow(Neale, 2015)(KAEBNICK, 2004). Discuss matters of whether it is necessary to have a father element in the child’s growth involving whether fathers make their children proud, and it promotes the inner strength and growth, supportive and affectionate, social development as well as cognitive of the child(Baskerville, 2002)(JORDAN-ZACHERY, 2008). 2 The father’s role to the children is very important because there are central persons in the emotional well-being of the children and they are essential disciplinarians. Fathers importance in daughter’s life because they shape the self-esteem and psychological development of their daughters starting from the date of birth which is a bond key(Hazan & Zoabi, 2015)(Ling, 2017). As well boys also need their presence of their fathers because this helps them emulate what their fathers do and it bonds a good relationship(Browne, 2013). We shall also discuss what the bible states about fathers, God made it clear that fathers are created for a reason as it is stated in Exodus 20:12 “Respect your father and your mother, so that you may live a long time in the land that I am giving you.” This paper will also discuss the difference between a Dad and a father, whether fathers are necessary for the child’s healthy development and how the father’s relationship to both sons and daughters can be improved. It also address matters of father’s role in parenting, their role in the family, address issues of fathers who are narcissists and if they do love their children(Johnson & Young, 2016)(KIPPEN, EVANS, & GRAY, 2007). The Author will go ahead to present how mothers stop fathers relating to their children, the levels of love expressed to both son and daughters by the father. Another important matter will be to find out whether babies also miss their fathers, how children resolve with the separation of parents, custody battles, how fathers manage parenting after separation(Edmeades, Pande, MacQuarrie, Falle, & Malhotra, 2012). Matters of what the bible addresses to the children and how much more will their father in heaven have for them. We shall also discuss matters of fathers who a deadbeat in their families how do children coup up with such parents. In conclusion what we expect from the children’s end such as; how they express themselves to their fathers, and their role in a family(Cundy, 2015)(Browne, 2013). In nutshell, all the above areas of discussion are based on purely reviewed literature.


This paper discusses several matters concerning fatherhood parenting that is to say; the importance of fathers in the children’s life; because fathers impact a lot on the well-being starting from birth, emotional, security, confidence, environment and as children connect with others socially as they grow(Neale, 2015)(KAEBNICK, 2004).


Fatherhood parenting, Fathers and sons, Fathers and daughters, Father and mother parenting, Bible and parenting


Galinnya Stephanas. 2019 Fathers and fatherhood for sons and daughters (Fathering Children). Family conference. Uganda Christian University