Changes in Sensory and Quality Characteristics of S. Aethiopicum (Shum) and A. Lividus (Linn) Leafy Vegetables along the Supply Chain


Changes in sensory attributes of vegetables over time under different conditions have been reported, however, little has been done regarding profiling and assessing changes in sensory attributes of raw leafy vegetables particularly Solanum aethiopicum (S.) and Amaranthus lividus (L.). This study therefore fills an important knowledge gap of profiling sensory attributes and assessing changes in color, texture and appearance of S.aethiopicum and A.lividus leafy vegetables over time after harvest. A complete randomized design in a 3 ×3 factorial arrangement (each vegetable sample was subjected to three treatments (Time of the day) and three replicates) and data was collected by use of quantitative descriptive sensory analysis. Descriptive data was entered into Microsoft excel spread sheets, averages computed and graphs generated. The data was further subjected to ANOVA and a least significant difference test was used to compare means of samples for all attributes at 95% confidence interval. Correlation analysis using Statistical Package for Social Scientients’ (SPSS version 16.0) was also performed to assess relationship between sensory attributes. Descriptive sensory analysis results showed that all 9:00hrs samples were rated highly for each attribute compared to the 12:00hrs and 15:00hrs samples. ANOVA results for S. aethiopicum showed statistical significant (p<0.05) difference for all the attributes except for light green color of leaf stalk (p<0.05) whereas that for A. lividus showed significant differences for moist appearance, well spread appearance, smoothness and overall quality. Correlation results showed significant positive relationship (p<0.05) among attributes. This study observed that sensory attributes of leafy vegetables change with time after harvest andtraders are therefore encouraged to adopt local cooling systems to help preserve the sensory attributes of vegetables.


This study therefore fills an important knowledge gap of profiling sensory attributes and assessing changes in color, texture and appearance of S.aethiopicum and A.lividus leafy vegetables over time after harvest


Sensory attributes - Vegetables, Solanum aethiopicum, Amaranthus lividus, Leafy vegetables


Apolot Mary Gorret et al. Changes in Sensory and Quality Characteristics of S. Aethiopicum (Shum) and A. Lividus (Linn) Leafy Vegetables along the Supply Chain. American Journal of Food Science and Technology, 2018, Vol. 6, No. 4, 161-166 Available online at ©Science and Education Publishing DOI: 10.12691/ajfst-6-4-5