Assessing the Library and Information Advocacy and Marketing Services: A case study of Uganda Christian University Library

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Library and Information Services - Uganda Christian University
It is acknowledged widely that libraries and archives have for a very long time endure from their image and visibility problems. This is probably why many librarians and archivists now recognise marketing as an essential topic; for example, in a survey conducted in Canada in 1997, (Savard, 2000 Pages 12-32). 84.4% of the respondents answered that marketing is important for library and information services (LIS). Similar results were contemplated earlier in the United Kingdom. (Collins and Glyptis, 1992) Librarians also think that marketing is a new issue for LIS, something that only emerged during the last three decades. Although marketing was more formally introduced in the profession after the 1970s it is engaging to understand that in North America at least, librarians took on marketing techniques as early as 1876, as Kleindl (a marketing professor, illustrated how libraries at this stage were innovative in many marketing strategies: segmenting and targeting clienteles, using publicity, direct mail, streetcar signs, telephone solicitation, banners, etc. The twentieth century library, the progressive library, would throw its doors open to all and encourage them to come in and join in the building of a community cultural center)(Kleindl, 2007) and Renberg (who traces history of marketing since 1876 and goes till formal marketing starts taking place in 1970, confirms the occurrences of terms such as, advertising in 1896, management in 1897, outreach in 1903, and extension work in 1909, in library literature, mainly in public libraries) demonstrated in their articles (Renberg, 2000 pages 5-11). Library and information science, it is multidisciplinary, embracing virtually every sphere of human endeavour. Many LIS and marketing may seem not to have a kind of interdependent relationship and therefore discrepancy. The impression of those with such view is that marketing is perceived to be a primarily concerned with buying and selling which is a profit-driven as against library which is a social service oriented centre and not for profit making. Academic libraries they are support departments affiliated to educational institutions playing a pivotal role by providing required library and information services to support academic activities and contribute in the development of their institutions and also undisputedly as accepted worldwide. Marketing techniques and strategies can be adopted for the promotion of library and information services with academic libraries in particular (Bhratt, 2009). Marketing offers both a theory and a process by which academic libraries can link results, products and roles. Marketing principles can assist them in determining their future and identify quality products and services, materials and programmes. Modern marketing can determine how the library will look like which can also determine the products it will offer.
This paper is discussing whether it is a crucial aspect of employing effective marketing in any kind of library. Many librarians correlate marketing in relation to profit base and hence consider that libraries are not for profit-making.
Academic Libraries, Marketing Strategies, Library Products and Services, Library Users’ Satisfaction
Galinnya Stephanas. 2017. Assessing the Library and Information Advocacy and Marketing Services: A case study of Uganda Christian University Library. Library and Information Services - Uganda Christian University