Kansiime, Elly2018-12-182018-12-182018-10https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.11951/686Before we talk of fighting corruption we must first know what it is and what it is capable of doing to us as individuals and our society, so that we can seek for ways of working together against it.Before we talk of fighting corruption we must first know what it is and what it is capable of doing to us as individuals and our society, so that we can seek for ways of working together against it. First of all corruption is a silent and slow but sure mover. It begins with small words, small actions and sometimes with small people; in small places and utilizing small occasions with little pressure. As it gains ground on an individual, it begins to creep towards bigger people and places, this time using bigger words and actions until it infects others and their workplaces. The biblical ethical dilemma expressed in Pro.29:2 about corruption seems to be accusing leaders and exonerating the subjects, but corruption is inherent in all of us with the potential to destroy character, not only of the corrupt individual but also of the person it is aimed at, and will only surface when opportunities come. It is therefore a cross cutting vice. So what is corruption?en“Working Against Corruption Tendencies; a Personal Responsibility for Christians or Individual Responsibility? (“Okulwanyisa Obuli Bwenguzi, Buvunanyizibwa Bwani Ani?”)Working Paper