Specioza Atim2024-05-132024-05-132024-04-22https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.11951/1259The study aimed at examining the role of servant leadership in enhancing investment activities in the Catholic Church, Uganda. It was specifically conducted at St. Paul Catholic Church, Mukono. The study objectives included; to examine the effect of integrity in enhancing investment activity, to assess the effect of authenticity in enhancing investment activity and to examine the effect of continuous improvement in enhancing investment activity. The study employed across-sectional research design, where both qualitative and quantitative approaches were used. The sample comprised of Catholic Church leaders, investment/project and laity leaders, totaling to 86 in number. These were purposively and simple randomly selected. Data was collected using questionnaires and interviews. Data was analyzed quantitatively using the SPSS and thematic content analysis was used to analyze qualitative data. The SPSS for inferential analyses (multiple regression analysis) to establish the relationship between variables of the study was used. Study key findings revealed that integrity accounts for 24.5% variation in the enhancement of investment activities in the Catholic Church, Uganda. This implies that in integrity, Church leaders with integrity inspire trust in investment team members, and they apply participatory planning in enhancing church investment activities. It is also revealed that authenticity accounts for 30.4% variation in the enhancement of investment activities in the Catholic Church, Uganda. This implies that authenticity enhances employee well-being, leads to increased engagement, and builds trust in investment activities. Furthermore, it is revealed that continuous improvement accounts for 31.3% variation in the enhancement of investment activities in the Catholic Church, Uganda. This implies that continuous improvement results into ethical decision making, and continuous improvement results into acquiring on technical skills and expertise to run the investment activities. Therefore, it is finally revealed that authenticity and continuous improvement had the highest effect on the enhancement of investment activities in the Catholic Church, Uganda. Basing on the above findings, it is concluded that there is positive significant relationship between the role of servant leadership in enhancing investment activity within the church. The study recommended that there is need for servant leadership among Church stakeholders so as to effectively mobilize adequate resources for the timely implementation of the planned investment activities; and areas of further research were suggested.enThe Role of Servant Leadership in Enhancing Investment Activity in the Catholic Church, Uganda: A Case of St. Paul Catholic Church-MukonoDissertation