Dick Alengo2024-07-222024-07-222024-03-25http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.11951/1353The study topic was ―The Role of School Chaplaincy in the Spiritual Nurturing of Students in Church-founded Secondary Schools in the Diocese of Lango: A Case Study of Dr. Obote College Boroboro‖. The study was guided by four research objectives which included: (i) To establish the level of student participation in the chaplaincy at Dr. Obote College Boroboro. (ii) To assess the effect of the chaplaincy on the spiritual nurturing of students at Dr. Obote College Boroboro. (iii) To examine the challenges faced by the chaplaincy in ministering to the students at Dr. Obote College Boroboro. (iv) To establish the coping mechanisms used by the chaplaincy in addressing the challenges of ministering to students at Dr. Obote College Boroboro. I used a case study design and a qualitative research approach, data was entered into nvivo version11, coded in line with the objectives. Thematic analysis was undertaken and the findings were presented verbatimely to make meaning of the study findings. The findings indicate that the chaplaincy was doing a good job of nurturing the spiritual life of students at Dr. Obote College Boroboro despite the challenges encountered which amongst others include the lack of a chapel building in the school premises, and the lack of enough resources to equip the chaplaincy. The study recommends fundraising resources to be committed to the construction of a chapel building within the school premises, and more efforts should be directed towards sensitizing parents to pay attention to the spiritual life of their children at Dr. Obote College Boroboro. From the research findings, the researcher concludes that student participation in the chaplaincy at Dr. Obote College Boroboro is high with most students 97% Christians being able to attend services on Sunday and also participate in the different fellowships in the school. The chaplaincy has a great impact on the spiritual nurturing of students at Dr. Obote College Boroboro with many testimonies shared by students of how chaplaincy positively impacts the lives of students. Chaplaincy has fostered good moral building among students which has enabled them to be obedient and embrace good discipline. However, the chaplaincy is faced with challenges such as lack of a chapel building to serve the purpose of prayer and worship, non-supportive parents to their children at school, and understaffed chaplaincy. The chaplaincy uses coping mechanisms such as counseling students to foster good moral development and encouraging parents to support their children at school. Teachers are encouraged to assist the chaplain in his work. Even when modern musical equipment is lacking, students utilize old music equipment to worship and praise.enThe Role of School Chaplaincy in the Spiritual Nurturing of Students in Church-Founded Secondary Schools in the Diocese of Lango: A Case Study of Dr. Obote College BoroboroDissertation