Nyende, Peter2018-02-082018-02-082004Peter Nyende. Law and Gospel in Hebrews: Some Paradigms for Christianity in Africa. An Evangelical Christian Journal of Contemporary Mission and Research in Africa. Vol. 3. 2004 African Institute for Contemporary Mission and Research Chadwick Library incorporating the Festo Olang’ Resource Centre, Butere, Kenyahttps://hdl.handle.net/20.500.11951/133This is a research paper taking on a study about the law and gospel to Hebrews. This paper takes the law in a wide sense to cover in principle to the Jewish religious tradition being engaged with in Hebrews.The ‘law’ in the book of Hebrews is seen to relate to Christ in a variety of intriguing ways: almost simultaneously the ‘law’ anticipates, illuminates, is fulfilled and made redundant in Christ- the center of the gospel. This paper will argue that it is possible to conceive of some aspects of Africa’s religious heritage (still a force to reckon with in Africa) as being in the same kind of relationship [to Christ, and in consequence, will also consider the missiological and pastoral implications that emanate from such a conception for the Church in AfricaenBible - Hebrews - HermeneuticsAfrican - Christianity - Biblical aspects (Hebrew)Bible - HebrewsLaw and Gospel in Hebrews: Some Paradigms for Christianity in AfricaArticle