Joyce Ahumuza2024-09-182024-09-182024-09-05 ResearchEmbarking on a comprehensive exploration of modern contraceptive use in Uganda from 2001 to 2016. This study employs extensive secondary data analysis to unravel the intricate dynamics influenced by socio-economic, demographic as well as other factors on the uptake of modern contraceptives. Amidst moderate changes observed in contraceptive practices over the years, the prevalence of users still falls below expectations set by the Ministry of Health and other institutions in the country. Notably, shifting trends in the initiation of sexual activity among women aged 15-49years are unveiled, peaking at 7.6% in 2001 and gradually declining to 6.3% in 2016. Wealth indices indicate a noteworthy decrease in poverty rates over the same period, possibly linked to government-led poverty reduction initiatives. Educational strides are evident, with 6.8% of women achieving higher education in 2016, reflecting the government's commitment to enhancing access. The dominance of rural residence, reported at 85.3% in 2006, mirrors Uganda's primarily rural population, while fluctuations in working status hint at persistent socio-economic challenges and prevalent informal sector employment. Media exposure dynamics exhibit diverse rates, with 58.9% of women exposed to contraceptive information through radios in 2016. Over time, increased exposure to family planning messages, peaking in 2016 across all platforms, contrasts with comparatively lower exposure via TV and newspapers. The study further unveils nuanced patterns in contraceptive use, spotlighting injections as the most prevalent method from 2001 to 2016. These comprehensive insights contribute to a holistic comprehension of Uganda's reproductive health landscape, paving the way for a detailed discussion of the contextual factors shaping modern contraceptive decisions. Keywords: Modern Contraceptive Use, Reproductive Health landscapeenDeterminants of Modern Contraceptive Use Among Women of Reproductive Age in Uganda: Between 2001–2016Thesis