Brenda Samalie Kayaga2023-10-122023-10-122023-10-10 dissertation.The study examined the effect of credit risk management on financial performance of financial institutions where specific objectives were to find out the influence of credit risk control and analysis on financial performance, relationship between credit risk management and financial performance among financial institutions. From a sample of 63 respondents, the researcher used qualitative and quantitative approach to collect data. Questionnaires were used to collect the data and was analyzed with SPSS. The correlation and regression analysis were carried out to find out the relationship between credit risk analysis and control on financial performance. From the research findings, credit risk analysis showed positive significance towards the financial performance of the bank with 0.001 significance level 2 tailed which is less than 0.01. However, from the correlation and regression analysis, credit risk control had a negative significance on financial performance with .625 which is greater than 0.01 significance level 2 tailed. This implies that any change of every unit in credit risk control affects financial performance of the banks and vise-versa. The study concludes that effective credit risk control improves the financial performance of the banks and it recommends that proper credit analysis and credit risk control should be highly monitored to improve the return on equity (financial performance).enCredit Risk Management and Financial Performance of Financial Institutions in Uganda. A Survey of Financial Institutions in Mukono MunicipalityDissertation