Naula, Mary2021-12-222021-12-222012Naula Mary, 2012. Oralture around rituals concerning twins in Jopadhola culture. Masters of arts in literature of Uganda Christian University is a Masters dissertation with a study was to identify and critically analyse the oralture products associated with the rituals concerning twins among the JopadholaThe purpose of this study was to identify and critically analyse the oralture products associated with the rituals concerning twins among the Jopadhola. The study was guided by the following objectives: to establish the successive stages in the life of twins among the Jopadhola and the rituals which accompany them; establish the nature or categories and functions of the oralture produced around these rituals; and establish the content and the literary features of these oralture products. This research used mostly qualitative approach, thus descriptive or verbal rather than numeric or statistical approach. It involved mostly verbal interviews with twenty seven respondents. The researcher listened to them as they sung the songs in response to the designed interview schedule. The findings reveal that oralture around rituals concerning twins among the Jopadholas are rich in literary features like imagery, kenning, personification, metaphors, symbols, satire, hyperbole, repetition, similes and structure with numerous functions, categories and features that pertain to them. Songs proved to be more utilised than all other literary products and the least used are the sayings and folktales. The researcher recommends that the Jopadhola writers begin to write literature on the performance of rituals concerning twins with the oralture products reflected. More research is needed on the songs that different clans sing whenever twin rituals are performed. The information obtained should then be stored in form of written texts or electronically. This would help in preserving the original rituals concerning twins and the literariness therein.enOralture - JopadholaRituals - TwinsTwins - JopadholaOralture Around Rituals Concerning Twins in Jopadhola CultureThesis