Benjamin Liringa Koli2024-06-052024-06-052024-04-04 study examined the Maintenance practices of manual water pumps in Eastern DRC and its effects on the sustainability of water projects in the community of Bunia city, DRC The objectives were; to find out how different maintenance practices, the key factors contributing to the effectiveness or ineffectiveness of maintenance practices in Eastern DRC in terms of water project sustainability and to evaluate community participation and to what extent it affects the sustainability of water projects in Eastern DRC. This study investigated the current maintenance practices of manual water pumps in Bunia City and their effects on the sustainability of water projects in the community. A mixed-methods approach combined surveys, interviews, and observational data. According to the findings, Manual water pumps are a vital source of water for many communities in Eastern Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), including Bunia City. However, inadequate maintenance practices and inadequate funding often compromise the sustainability of these water projects. The results show that poor maintenance practices, including infrequent cleaning and repair, are prevalent, leading to frequent breakdowns and reduced water quality. The research showed that for any water project to be considered sustainable, it must be Functional, accessible, stable, and available. The study recommends training programs for community members, regular maintenance schedules, and spare parts availability to ensure the sustainability of water projects and improve the overall health and well-being of the community.enMaintenance Practices of Manual Water Pumps in Eastern Drc and Its Effects on the Sustainability of Water Projects in the Community of Bunia City, DRCDissertation