Gulere, Cornelius Wambi2018-12-172018-12-172017-09Gulere, Cornelius Wambi. Mahatma Gandhi’s Perspective of Discipline: An Understanding of African Proverbs on Peace. Uganda Christian University September, 2017. is a report on Mahatma Gandhi’s Perspective of Discipline: An Understanding of African Proverbs on PeaceMahatma Gandhi’s perspective of discipline, which is also the basis of respect for the self and others comprises of truth (Satya), non-violence (ahmsa), self-control (brahmachaya) non-stealing (a steya) and non-possession (paragraph). To these major characteristics of discipline, he adds fearlessness, removal of untouchability, bread labour, tolerance, humility and silence. Many Africans have proverbs, which describe these virtues of discipline.enAfrican ProverbsPeace - African ProverbsMahatma Gandhi’s Perspective of Discipline: An Understanding of African Proverbs on Peace.Working Paper