Kyakulumbye, StephenNabacwa, Mary SsonkoOpio, PeterKabanda, MartinKyasanku, GodfreyOlweny, MarthaSebowa, EfranceAryamanya, AshtonAhumuza, Vianney2019-03-252019-03-252018-109781728906638 first edition categorises project management tools and techniques basing on the project management knowledge by PMBOK as emphasised by PMI but contextualised the knowledge dimensions to Africa/Uganda. It also includes some cross-cutting areas which are always left out or underestimated during project planning and design. Such cross-cutting issues have been documented to contribute to project failure or success. In other editions, we shall relate PMBOK areas, IPMA ICBs, PRINCE2, GAPPS among other standards; though pointing out more precursors to project success in developing or transitional nations like Uganda.enProject managementProject Management: Tools, Techniques and Strategies of ManagingBook