Daniel Namanya2024-10-302024-10-302024-10-21http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.11951/1459The study examined the attitudes people form (affective, behavioral and cognitive) after going through screening at check points at Total Energies E & P Nwoya district, since screenings evokes different emotions in different people, depending on context and a variety of other factors. It was guided by three research objectives which were to measure and analyze the affective attitudes formed by individuals after undergoing security screening through self-report measures, to measure and analyze the behavioral attitudes developed by individuals as a result of security screening through self-report measures and to measure and analyze cognitive attitudes formed by individuals after undergoing security screening through self-report measures. The study utilized a mixed methods research design, in which with both quantitative and qualitative approaches were employed. The study population included top managers, staff members and visitors (N=127). Data was collected using questionnaire and an interview guide. Data collected was analyzed using SPSS to obtain frequencies, percentages, means and correlations and regressions. Interviews revealed that people experience both negative and positive emotions after a screening exercise. They further revealed that some of the respondents understood the importance of screening, and thus were compliant behaviors during the screening. Regression results showed that screening resulted in affective, behavioral and cognitive attitudes, since regression coefficients were moderately high and significant. It was therefore recommended that adopt a targeted and comprehensive communication strategy to improve awareness on security screening, enhance public awareness campaigns and emphasize consistent adherence to established protocols.enThe Attitudes of People After the Use of Technology in Security Checks at Total Energies E & P Nwoya DistrictThesis