Muhindo, Kalengyo2018-09-202018-09-201997Muhindo, Kalengyo. (1997). The death of Jesus Christ as sacrifice in the epistles of Paul and the epistle to the Hebrews: A comparative study. MA. Thesis, Uganda Christian University. was submitted as a partial fulfillment of the award of the Master of Arts in Theology Degree of the Bishop Tucker School of Divinity and Theology, Uganda Christian UniversityThe concept and practice of sacrifice exist in the Old Testament setting and in some pagan communities of the Graeco-Roman world. In this dissertation, the author presents a comparative study of the death of Jesus Christ as a sacrifice as recorded in the epistles of St. Paul and the epistle of Hebrews. Putting more emphasis on the sacrifices for sin, the author explores the various backgrounds to the thought of sacrifice in Paul and the Hebrews. The author analyses the similarities and differences of the concept of sacrifice in Paul and the writer to the Hebrews. The author observes that both writers using cultic categories have transformed the understanding of atonement from the cultic to the personal level.enDeath of Jesus ChristSacrifice in the epistlesPaul and the epistleHebrewsThe Death of Jesus Christ As Sacrifice in the Epistles of Paul and the Epistle to the Hebrews: A Comparative StudyDissertation