Lastone Balyaino2024-06-112024-06-112024-06-07 study investigated the influence of head teachers‟ mandate in realization of inclusive quality education in selected secondary schools in Iganga district- Uganda. The study was guided by the following objectives i) to determine the influence of head teacher‟s planning role on the quality of inclusive education, ii) to establish the influence of head teachers‟ support role on the quality of inclusive education and iii) to find out the influence of head teachers‟ motivation role on the quality of inclusive education. The study was inclined on the systems theory propounded by Ludwing and George in 1940 and a cross-sectional descriptive research design was adopted, drawing on quantitative as well as qualitative research approaches with a sample size of 83 (including 73 teachers, 5 deputy head teachers, and 5 head teachers) respondents. The questionnaire reliability α = 0.831 was obtained after subjecting the instrument to 5 independent respondents in a week interval period while content validity index of 88.9 was obtained for 3 professional raters. Simple Random Sampling and Census Inquiry techniques were adopted for the study. Questionnaires and the interview guides were adopted for data collection. Quantitate data was analysed Pearson correlation and regression analyses while qualitative data was analysed using the verbatim method. The findings revealed; a positive, significant influence of the head teacher‟s planning role on the quality of inclusive education (r= 0.534, p > 0.05), a positive moderate influence of head teacher‟s support role on the quality of inclusive education (r= 0.514, p < 0.05) and strong positive influence of head teacher‟s motivation role on the quality of inclusive education (r= 0.621, p < 0.05). Furthermore, the study recommended that in future, similar studies be extended to primary schools and headteachers to be sensitized about quality education.enHeadteacher’s Role in Attainment of Quality Inclusive Education in Selected Secondary Schools in Iganga District, UgandaDissertation