Mashingaidze Peter Tinashe2020-05-032020-05-032019 is a dissertation.In an ever changing world powerful brands have to adopt to the new trends and evolve to match the market demand. Brand revitalization involves the company adapting change in product attributes to challenge the new competition as an attempt to bring back the product to life, to perform better and new approaches are implemented which may include market expansion, modification of product and brand repositioning, (Gregory Hamel, 2016). Consumer belief is influenced by the brand attributes as a consumer seeks to find favorable price, function and perception towards the product. Brand revitalization helps to timely adjust changing trends being able to meet the changing attributes needs and desires of consumers and deal with competitive threats. This gives a brand the advantage to stay ahead of the curve in recognition of current and future strategic and competitive challenges. Starting the revitalization process before the brand fades sets a track record to be followed by the organization on the performance of the brand, Chekitan and Kevin, (2014). The Park Hotel India used a seven step process Chekitan and Kevin, (2014), Light and Kidodon (2009) used the six step analysis of brand revitalization.enConsumer BeliefsRe-brandingOMO Detergent BrandConsumer Beliefs and Brand Revitalization: Case Study of OMO Detergent BrandDissertation