Simon Katuba2023-10-122023-10-122023-09-25 dissertation.The study topic was digitization of the church and its effects on the clergy: a case of St. Luke’s church Ntinda, Kampala diocese. Three research objectives guided the study and these were:(i) To establish how digitization enables the clergy to spread the gospel in the church of Uganda. (ii)To assess the barriers to the digitization of ministry in the church of Uganda (iii) To examine the coping mechanism used by the clergy in the digitization of ministry in the church of Uganda. A qualitative research design was employed taking a purposively selected sample of 43 participants. The study found that digitization enabled the spread of the gospel despite existing barriers such as technological glitches and financial constraints. The barriers were solved by coping mechanisms which included learning information technology skills, availing recorded preaching to the Christians on the CD.enDigitization of the Church and its Effects on the Clergy: a Case of St. Luke's Church Ntinda, Kampala DioceseDissertation