Semujju, Brian2018-05-212018-05-212016-05Semujju, Brian. Community Audio Towers in Uganda. 3CMedia Issue 8 (May) 2016 paper discusses the aiding development in the Global South, communities in Uganda engage in narrowcasting and share information using Community Audio Towers.While community broadcasting has been documented for aiding development in the Global South, communities in Uganda engage in narrowcasting and share information using Community Audio Towers (CATs). This challenges our understanding of communication for development media since CATs employ both the one-way and the two-way approaches to ensure survival. Among the crucial areas of CATs that have not been attended to by academic scrutiny is the issue of how CATs sustain themselves financially. To cover that gap, the CAT processes of information gathering, processing and dissemination, are discussed below. The discussion comes from data collected using 10 key informant interviews to show how CATs, platforms that are economically non-viable, are able to survive in myriad economically-oriented media systems in Uganda. Implications of CATs for local community development are herein highlighted.enCommunity Audio TowersSocio-culturalCommunity mediaCommunity Audio Towers in UgandaArticle