Fred Kiwanuka2024-05-082024-05-082024-03-30 Based Organizations have been involved in provision of education services in Sub-Saharan Africa due to the rising number of vulnerable children from low-income households provision (Fawzia, 2022). The purpose of the study is to examine the contributions of Faith Based Organizations on the education of vulnerable children in post Covid-19 lockdown era in Njeru Municipality, with particular reference to the Divine Holistic Ministries. The study objectives included; to assess the education attempts by the faith based organizations in addressing the issues of education of vulnerable children in post Covid-19 lockdown era, to analyze the achievements of faith based organizations in promoting education of vulnerable children in post Covid-19 lockdown era, to examine the challenges that faith based organizations encounter when it comes to promoting education of vulnerable children in post Covid-19 lockdown era, and to propose a way forward to enhance faith based organizations’ efforts towards promoting education of vulnerable children in post Covid-19 lockdown. The study employed a cross-sectional research design, where both qualitative and quantitative approaches were used. The sample comprised of (15) management and employees of Divine Holistic Ministries, (5) officials from Municipal Education department, (5) local representatives, (75) vulnerable children and (32) family heads. These were purposively and simple randomly selected. The questionnaires, interviews and focus group discussion guide helped in gathering primary data. Data was analyzed quantitatively through the SPSS and thematic content analysis was used to analyze qualitative data. Study findings revealed that Divine Holistic Ministries provide education scholarships, education materials/school supplies support, career guidance, provides vulnerable children with fees, and basic necessities, building of classrooms and other school infrastructures, as well as counseling and psychosocial support activities to address psychosocial needs of vulnerable children. The study revealed that with FBOs, the rate of school drop-out among vulnerable children has reduced; there is increased enrolment, retention and retention of vulnerable children. With career guidance, more vulnerable children have joined vocational technical schools. It is also revealed that limited resources, the government policy, political interference, limited of knowledge and skills, lack of stakeholders’ involvement, organizational structure and corruption; as well as untimely release of donor support; these are the major challenges that faith based organizations encounter when it comes to promoting education of vulnerable children in post Covid-19 lockdown era in Njeru Municipality. Basing on the above findings, it is concluded that all the contributions done by FBOs towards enhancing accessibility of education among vulnerable children were significant. Therefore, there is positive significant relationship between the contributions of FBOs and the education of vulnerable children in post Covid-19 lockdown era in Njeru Municipality (r=.79.3**, p=0.001). The study recommended that there is need for more funding from international donors and other development partners to fill the existing financial gaps towards support of vulnerable children access to education; and areas of further research were suggested.enAssessing the Contributions of Faith Based Organisations on the Education of Vulnerable Children in Post COVID-19 Lockdown Era in Njeru Municipality: A Case of Divine Holistic MinistriesDissertation