Nyende, Peter2018-01-032018-01-032010Nyende Peter. Addressing ethnicity via biblical studies: a task of African biblical scholarship Neotestamentica, New Testament Society of Southern Africa Vol. 44, No. 1 (2010), pp. 122-139https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.11951/103This paper discusses how African biblical scholarship could address ethnic issues in Africa through its study of the Bible and its Biblical Studies curriculumIn view of the ethnic crisis in Africa and the complexities of the discipline of Biblical Studies, one wonders how African biblical scholarship could address ethnic issues in Africa through its study of the Bible and its Biblical Studies curriculum. I identify three ways of addressing ethnicity through Biblical Studies which I argue for, make sense of, and distinguish by means of methodology (broadly conceived), and the goals of African biblicalenState - Biblical StudiesAddressing Ethnicity - Biblical StudiesDiscipline - Biblical StudiesAddressing ethnicity via biblical studies: a task of African biblical scholarshipArticle