Zilpa Graceford Masenje2024-09-232024-09-232024-09-13http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.11951/1406Postgraduate ResearchThe study intended to investigate Quality teaching of literacy and numeracy in Selected Primary Schools in Kongwa District. It examined all the factors that contribute to pupils' inadequate literacy and numeracy skills. Explicitly, the study focused on; identifying the techniques used by Teachers in teaching literacy and numeracy, examining strategies for Teachers in teaching literacy and numeracy and identifying the challenges that Teachers face in teaching literacy and numeracy. Participants (N= 31) in the study included: 1 District Education Officer, 3 Head Teachers which were selected through census inquiry as well as 27 Teachers were selected through simple random sampling. Instruments for Data collection adopted were the questionnaire, observation, and the interview guides. Qualitative data were analyzed using the verbatim method where direct quotes relevant to the study objectives were captured from data set while Quantitative Data were entered into SPSS version 23 and then ran tallies which generated percentages, frequencies, mean and standard deviation. The results were analyzed thematically and presented Verbatively. The study findings suggested that there were literacy and numeracy issues in these particular Primary Schools since most of the Teachers lacked the skills needed to impart these abilities where by 61.3% of the Teachers never used the brainstorming technique, 64.5% of the Teachers never used cooperative learning to teach literacy and numeracy, (77.4%) of the Teachers never used remedial teaching, 64.5% of the Teachers never used a talking class. Furthermore (71%) of the Teachers expressed interest in being retrained to teach literacy and numeracy, 93.3% of the Teachers agreed that there was no developed pedagogy to enable the proper teaching of literacy and numeracy, and 80.1% of the Teachers said mixing Learners with special needs was affecting the teaching. Also the study recommends retraining of Teachers, separating Learners with special needs from the normal Learners, building more infrastructures to solve the high population of Learners, and increasing Parental involvement in the education of their Children.enQuality Teaching of Literacy and Numeracy in Selected Primary Schools in Kongwa District, TanzaniaThesis