Kabahizi, Cadreen Barungi2020-10-222020-10-222020-06Kabahizi, Cadreen Barungi Impacts of the COVID-19 Disruptions on Institutions of Higher Education in Uganda. Africa policy Centre. Uganda Christian University. June, 2020https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.11951/895This is a policy paper on Impacts of the COVID-19 Disruptions on Institutions of Higher Education in Uganda.This policy brief gives a short overview of the disruptions of the COVID-19-driven school closures on Institutions of Higher Education (IHE’s) in Uganda. Nearly 170,000 tertiary institution students are at home facing uncertainty not only about their family financial situations but also about their academic future. We surveyed 427 students in IHE’s to find out their perceptions of the impact of school closures on their learning experiences and found that 92% of the students had continued studying albeit by self-initiative. Only 16% of the students were constantly in touch with their lecturers and only 16.5% of the students had access to online learning platforms. The respondents also expressed the challenges faced during the COVID-19 lockdown, the biggest of which was being able to continue their studies fairly normally. The obvious learning losses suffered by these students may in some way never be recovered. The government and all relevant stakeholders have to come together to find the most appropriate ways of going forward. In this study, students give voice to their recommendations most of which turn towards blended learning. We further explore strategies for a new learning system that has the potential to be a game-changer in the country’s education system. A new normal is being planned for and will start being implemented sooner than later. This new system should be more effective at education delivery, be inclusive of marginalized groups, and yet must also be affordable to the students. Furthermore, all this must be carried out in such a way that the standard health measures can be easily enforced. The results of carefully planned policy measures would greatly help in recouping the learning losses suffered during this pandemic and would make great strides in filling historical gaps in literacy rates.enCOVID-19 – Institutions of Higher EducationImpact of COVID-19 – IHEs UgandaImpacts of the COVID-19 Disruptions on Institutions of Higher Education in UgandaPolicy Paper