Agnes Nyabwolo2024-05-232024-05-232024-05-22 purpose of the study was to examine the contribution of time management to the performance of the teachers in selected secondary schools in Tororo District. The study objectives included; to examine the contribution of time scheduling on performance of teachers in selected secondary schools, to examine the contribution of punctuality on performance of teachers in selected secondary schools, and to examine the contribution of time control on performance of teachers in selected secondary schools. The researcher used a cross-sectional survey design, in which both quantitative and qualitative approaches were used. The population consisted of District Education Officer, District Inspector of Schools, teachers, head teachers, and deputy head-teachers, equivalent to 118 in number. These were selected by use of purposive and simple random sampling. Questionnaires and interview guide were used in data collection. Thematic content analysis was used in analyzing qualitative data, while, correlation analysis was also used in analyzing quantitative data. The study revealed that teachers in secondary schools plan class assignment, organize the day by prioritizing, plan for potential crises and timely mark learners’ assignments. Therefore, there is positive significant relationship between time scheduling and performance of teachers in selected secondary schools in Tororo District (r= .383**, p=0.001). The study also revealed that teachers are always punctual for classes, adhere to routine tasks, always emphasize punctuality on the side of the learners, and always able complete class syllabus in time. Therefore, there is positive significant relationship between punctuality and performance of teachers in selected secondary schools in Tororo District (r= .379**, p=0.001). The study further revealed that teachers always finish the curriculum in time, lesson delivery is always done in time, teachers always do have scheming before term begins, and teachers always mark learners assignments in time. This revealed that there is a positive significant relationship between time control and performance of teachers in selected secondary schools in Tororo District (r=0.342, p=0.002). Basing on the above, it is concluded that time management has positive effect on performance of teachers in selected secondary schools. The study recommends that more school inspection is desirable to boost teachers’ time management. Teachers’ financial rewards need to be provided in time so as to encourage them work harder. Extra allowances, performance appraisals and promotions should all be best on the teachers’ performance records and this would encourage other to have a good record.enTime Management and the Performance of Teachers in Selected Secondary Schools in Tororo DistrictDissertation