Action and Action-Regulation in Entrepreneurship: Evaluating a Student Training for Promoting Entrepreneurship

Action plays a central role in entrepreneurship and entrepreneurship education. Based on action regulation theory, we developed an action-based entrepreneurship training. We investigated the question of how the training transmitted its effects on entrepreneurial action and start-up. The training put a particular focus on action insofar as the participants learned action principles and engaged in the start-up of a real business during the training. We evaluated the training’s impact over a 12-month period using a randomized control group design in a developing country (Uganda). As hypothesized, the training had positive effects on action-regulatory factors (entrepreneurial goals, action planning, action knowledge, and entrepreneurial self-efficacy) and the action-regulatory factors predicted entrepreneurial action. Entrepreneurial action and business opportunity identification mediated the effect of the training on new business start-up. Our study shows that an action-based entrepreneurship training promotes entrepreneurial action via action-regulatory mechanisms. Thus, action regulatory mechanisms play an important role in the process that leads to the new business creation.
This study investigated the question of how the training transmitted its effects on entrepreneurial action and start-up.
Entrepreneurship education, Entrepreneurship
Gielnik et al. Action and Action-Regulation in Entrepreneurship: Evaluating a Student Training for Promoting Entrepreneurship. Academy of Management Learning & Education VOL. 14, NO. 1 (2015)